Date night

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jenn pov

we get to a resaunt that i have never been to then jc grabs my hand and walks me in i look around and it looks very fancy and expensive me and jc go sit at a table and a waiter comes

waiter"so mr.caylen would you and your date like anything to drink"

jc"we would start off with water thank you"

waiter nodds and walks off

i look at jc with a confuse look

jc"what"he smiles

jenn"how does the waiter know you or do you always bring your dates here"

jc just laughs "no i dont my father owns this resaunt i just dont tell anyone beacuse i dont want people to think im guy "

jenn"so your dad owns this place"

jc"yup "

jenn"thats pretty neat" i smile and open my menue

i see everything thats cheap so i wont sound like im taking advantage

i see a an italian meal that has pasta and bits of chicken 

jc"so jenn do you know what your getting "

jenn"yes im gonna get the italian special"

jc"nice im gonna get the steak that comes with peas and mashed pataoes "

i smiled then the waiter comes

we ordered our food 

then me and jc started talking more about each other 

15 min later

our foods arrive then we eat and laugh and talk i have to admit this is a pretty awesoem date so far

kian pov

when jenn left with jc i look up and see lauren

kian"wanna walk home together"

lauren"yea ill like too"

then we started walking home i didnt bother talking to her i just want to talk to jenn lauren is like a sister to me 

lauren pov

i just want kian to talk to me i wish i never felt this way and jenn is my best friend

once we got home kian just stared at me 

2 min

kian finally said something

kian"good night lauren"he said with a half smile

i just look down then enter my house and go upstairs and just jump in my bed 

jenn pov

when we finish our food jc took my hand 

jc"now we are starting our adventure" he smiles

jenn"what do you mean"i smile back

we walk a few blocks from the resaunt

jc"we are gonna go night skieing"he opens the door so we could sign up

jenn"really omg i love skieing ever since i was little"i started fan girling a bit

jc"haha awsome"

we get our things and head outside 

we fell we did well we did bad we did new tricks we where just having fun until me and jc crashed into each other and he fell on top of me 

he just stares and smiles

jc"haha we need to watch out"he bites his lip

jenn"yea we should"i smile

then he leans in and so do i and we kiss it felt like sparks but the funny thing is this kiss is nothing like mine and kian ugh why am i thinking about him i go back to jc and our make out session.....WAIT WE OUR MAKING OUT OK DONT FREAK OUT JUST PLAY IT COOL

i pull away"haha we should go back on skieing"i bite my lip

jc"haha maybe we could finish this later"he bites his lip

we get up and go back on skieing 

1hr later

after skieing we walked back to the car and we drove to my house

once we got there

jenn"thank you jc i had an amazing night with you" i smile

jc"me too thanks for saying yes"he jokes

jenn"see you at school tmrow"

jc"yea good night"

i smile and i kiss him in the cheek and enter my house and flop on my bed and just smiled at my ceiling

i had an amazing date night

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