lovey dovey

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jenns pov

i  followed kian to his room 

kian"whats up jenn what do you want"

jenn"i just wanted to tell you that im sorry for everything i did to you i just didnt know what i felt "

kian " so that means you did feel something for me"

jenn"yes i did but i also felt something for jc "

kian"so why arent you with me right now"

jenn"i was but he broke up with me"
kian"how come"
i told him what happen

kian"well idk what to say but sorry"

jenn"kian i just want to hear that you forgive me because im deeply sorry "

kian"jenn of course i forgive you your the love of my life"

jenn"thank you kian i would hug you but im soaking wet"

kian"haha want a pair of my t shirt"

jenn"umm maybe a towel and a car ride home"

kian"i wish i would but my car battery is dead"

jenn"oh well ill walk home"

kian"or you could stay the night"

jenn"kian i cant we both know what would happen"

kian"well jenn you cant go out in the rain at dark"

jenn"fine can i have a shirt"

kian grabs one of his shirts and hands it to me

jenn"well ima go change"

i head to his bathroom i took my clothes off and i pu on his oversized shirt then i put my hair in a bun

i walk out

jenn"umm kian where can i put my clothes at"

kian"you could put it in the dryer"

jenn i put my clothes in the dryer and sat on his bed

kian"umm well im going to change"

he goes in his bathroom and i start thinking

what if kian is the one for me or what if jc is the one for me ugh i dont know i think im in love with bot of them

kian walks out with grey sweatpants and he's SHIRTLESS

i felt my cheeks turn red 

kian"why you blushing jenn"

jenn"shut up kian " i tried covering it with a laugh

kian"you have a really cute smile thats one of the reasons i fell in love with you "he goes sits next to me


kian"jenn" he comes closer to my face my move my head and get up quikly

jenn"this was a bad idea i should go "

kian"jenn please dont go you said it your self you feel the same way as i do"

jenn"yea i do but  i feel this way with jc aswell"

kian gets up and comes closer to me and i feel the wall behind me great

kian places he's hands on my waist 

kian"jenn do you love me"he whispers in my ear

i couldnt lie

jenn" i love you kian" 

kian immidently kisses me and picks me up i wrap my legs around him i kiss him passionly he places me on his desk and takes the shirt off me revealing my bra and underwears he picks me up again and pins me down on his bed he takes his sweat pants off .....................then things go in lovey dovey mode

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