Chapter 7

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Sakura punched and kicked the tree, training herself to be stronger.

'UsElEsSUsElEsSUsElEsSUsElEsS' Her mind kept on chanting. All of her trusted friends betrayed her, then again. Then the new friends she made wanted her back?!?

All around her was destruction, all living things surrounding her had already escaped. She heaved and panted before throwing another kick to the ground without chakra and used weights only.

She gripped on her hair and crouched down to a fetal position, trying to calm herself down, not even noticing that tears were dripping down her cheeks.

"Sakura" She didn't take notice of it. Arms wrapped around her, rocking her back and forth, a hand patting her head and another wiping her tears away. She finally responded by blinking away all the tears building up in her eyes and to make it clearer. 

"Hidan? Sai? Iruka-sensei?" Her voice croaked each time. She was in Hidan's arm, Sai was wiping away the tears while Iruka-sensei patted her head, smoothing her hair. 

"It's okay. We'll always be with you, Sakura-chan" Iruka-sensei comforted her with a soft smile

"Yeah, who would be the female in our team anyways" Hidan said with a lop-sided grin that seems shaky. Sai nodded.

"Don't cry. You'll look ugly that way" 

"Thanks Sai, I so totally appreciate it" Sakura rolled her eyes, having calmed down just a bit because of her friends.

"Your welcome" Sai smiled. The three others rolled their eyes in fond exasperation before laughing. With relief, with exhaustion, with happiness.

"Is that her?" 


"She totally underestimated us-yeah. Let's go blow them up"

"I would like that Sai's body for my puppet. I'm interested in his jutsus"

"As long as you give me his heart. The other two are useless and Hidan's one will just not do as he barely even know any jutsus"

"Of course. I have no need for that."

Sakura smiled at the males in front of her. Hidan with his hands at the back of his head, Iruka-sensei and Sai by his side. The three who never complained about her break-downs, who never betrayed her, who never ignored her and more importantly, stayed by her side the whole time. Mama would be really proud for her to have true friends.

She would do anything for this scene to be forever.

"Long time no see....Right Sakura?" She and the three others spun their head to face the speaker. Their eyes widened and took a stance, to defend their home, Hana no Sato and themselves. Though to the men, they were thinking if they had a chance to kill them and claim that it was an accident


DUNDUNDUN!!!! Such a major cliff hanger. And sorry to be absent the whole time because I kept on being confused to what to type. And whether I have enough time. I will have spring break soon and I don't think that I can write/type stories as I am using the school's computer to type this and my laptop's going to be fixed abroad when my sister takes it as she visits my dad. Cause over here, it's freaking expensive and about the same cost as buying a new laptop

Sorry for an extremely short chapter as I thought of a scene and somehow, this just fits

Getting Stronger(Sequel to writer168's So Much for My Happy Ending)Where stories live. Discover now