Chapter 1: Arrival to London

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  • Dedicated to Maria Cadavid

Author's note: Hello. This a stupid story that I've been planning with a friend for a while. To be honest I've never written something very long before, my writing is kind of suckish, and I'd love if you had a little patience with me since English isn't my first language and ...yeah. This story is kinda boring, I'll upload a more interesting one called Cursed, Traveling Blythe, maybe that one will catch people's attention. This one was made out of boredom.

I'd be really surprised if you actually read it .n.



Could she walk any slower? I wondered as I followed Amelia, one of my...traveling partners and my best friend, through the streets of London.

She walked too fast, and I was struggling to keep up. However, this was almost impossible. First, Amelia was probably the fastest and stronger woman I've ever met. Secondly, the city was completely new for me, and I was easily distracted by most of the things I saw. I wished that we could just stop for a moment to look around, but soon I realized that that wouldn't be possible, at least not for now.

"A-Aleja..." I heard a tiny mutter behind me, I turned to see Madeline, my other traveling partner.

Being honest, Madeline was really nice and polite, completely different to her older sister, yet, she was awfully shy, I wasn't used to her speaking much, now that I thought about it, I was always forgetting that she was with us, the girl was almost invisible. Hearing her voice sent chills up my spine, as if she were a ghost.

"What is it Maddie?" I asked, slowing down a little when I noticed that she struggled to keep up even more than I was. She stared aat me, surprised, I guess she wasn't expecting for me to reply.

"C-Can you tell Amelia to slow down a little?" she stuttered; the poor girl was sweaty from running after us and we hadn't even noticed. I nodded, feeling bad for her.

"Ame-"  I turned to look for the other girl but she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Wonderful. I'm lost in a strange city with someone who barely speaks. "Maddie, run after me, okay?" she nodded in understanding and we both took a firm grip of out luggage, then starting running, looking for our dear Amelia.

In our desperate attempt of finding her, we ran into several British people, a couple times I heard people calling me a Bloody twat, I really don't know what it means nor care.

We ran a few streets and finally stopped, both of us were sweating and breathing heavily. I felt like my heart was going to explode.

"Pfffft. Such weaklings" I heard a familiar laugh behind us, which made me twitch angrily. Perhaps I should've felt happy or relieved that we found her, but I wanted to strangle her at the moment. She smirked teasingly "Dearies. You need to learn how to walk faster"

"Perhaps it is you who needs to be more considerate and walk more slowly." Madeline said firmly, looking at her older sister defiantly. Amelia just looked at her, more bewildered that Maddie had actually spoken than angry. But as soon as she met her sister's eyes, Madeline left out a squeak and hid her face under her scarf.

I felt really bad for her, Amelia was my best friend and all (Why on Earth was she my best friend? No idea.) but I got dragged around a lot by her, and I imagined that Maddie's situation was even harder, starting with the fact that Amelia was likely to be the most subborn person in the world and trying to argue with her was a complete waste of breath, she was really loud and social as well, unlike Maddie who was the more quiet and shy sister. This was why Maddie wasn't as well known.

"Anyway" Amelia said turning her attention, the pointed to a four story building "That's where Maddie and I will be staying" she said. Amelia had come a week before us to help us with our new homes, so she was supposed to guide us, not leaving us alone in the middle of the city.

"What about me?" I asked

"You'll live really close, there's no way that you can get lost from here" apparently she pretended me to find my way alone to an unknown building after she had already left me alone once, that was not happening.

"No, no, no, no, no." I shot a glare at her "You two are coming with me." I must've been really angry since neither argued, instead they left their things quickly, then came back out. (I'll admit that I was surprised. It was probably annoying to leave all your stuff in a new place without being able to even look around because some girl was pmsing outside. ) and they didn't speak at all in the way.

Amelia was right though, it wasn't far at all, perhaps I had just made a problem out of nothing.

The building wasn't very tall, maybe three stories high if much, but it looked fine to me.

While I stared at the building nervously Amelia grabbed Maddie and smiled widely "There's a pub nearby." she tugged on my sleeve "Let's go!"

Now that didn't excite me at all, having a pub nearby was a distraction, I had to focus on my studies and, I knew that I couldn't hold alcohol.

"...Soo..are you coming...?" Amelia asked as she dragged Maddie away, who didn't look very comfortable with the idea either.

"...Maybe I'll catch up later" I waved good bye as I went into the building. I heard Madeline complaining, but Amelia wouldn't change her mind.

I sighed, feeling sorry for her, but then I tried to forget about it. So I went to the third floor and went where Amelia had told me. I had been fiddling with the keys for a while, finally I put them into the lock and went inside.



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