Woah is this actually happening?? I'm finally posting the first chapter up WOOHOO! Anyways hope you at least like chapter one and wish me luck with writing the second :)
Chapter 1:
Morgan figured that if she purposely leaves behind her Nintendo DS, she would eventually forget the thing existed in the first place, right?
Ah, no. It might've just given her a good enough excuse to jump off the plane, probably more than thirty thousand feet up in the air to get her damn DS. On the bright side, she can finally tick off one of the things in her bucket list and hitchhike all the way back to California (and get her DS). A few bruises and cuts may occur, maybe abduction or even murder; but it would totally be worth it--anything to stop her from gagging continuously and contaminating the entire plane with her vomit, which doesn't smell too fantastic.
Ah, great.
"Are you okay?" Morgans older sister, Hanna, made an appearance. "Why are you looking at the food like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you saw noodies."
"What are you talking about?"
"Um, nudes, Morgie." She said it like how she usually does whenever she wants Morgan to pass her the salt at dinner.
"Um, pass the salt, Morgie," Hanna would say.
(Morgan chucks her pepper).
"Right... noodies... totally makes sense..." Morgan said, awfully distracted and never taking her eyes off her food that smelt good, but horrid at the same time. She couldn't make her mind up.
"Morgan," Hanna said flatly annoyed, waving a hand an inch away from Morgan's face.
Morgan heard... And could definitely see, but didn't bother moving a muscle. Occasionally, if you ignore Hanna, she would sigh a few hundred times before moving on.
"You're ignoring me. Why are you ignoring me?" Hanna drops her hand in surrender, looking rather offended.
"I'm just tired, Han."
"You're always tired," Hanna said, feeling spastic and sarcastic after drinking three cans of Red Bull.
Morgan simply shrugged, continuing to study her roll of bread on the tray table she was tempted to draw all over with a sharpie.
The silence lay like a down-filled duvet, before Hanna decides to speak up. "Morgan?"
That was the moment she automatically decides to snap out of her longing stare at the tray table, turning to look into Hanna's deep green eyes. She could hear her heart beating; pounding against the cages that protect it.
"Ok, what?"
Morgan has snapped and is also a little bit annoyed.
Hanna's shoulders shrugged. "I don't know, ok. It's just--come on! Aren't you even a little bit weirded out?"
Morgan truly hoped to avoid this and simply enjoy the closest thing they have come to peaceful. "Yeah, I'm weirded out alright," Morgan starts to smile. "By your way of communication."
Morgan couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt right below her neck, but eased it right off, far away.
"Well I'm sick of your face, you bipolar emo!"
Morgan couldn't help but stop to think about her sister's selective vocabulary. She has been wearing black quite a lot this month. "Thanks, Han."
"Stop being so complicated. You've been moody and not exactly the best person at the moment. And can't you just talk to me without falling asleep? I want to talk--to you--and it's important. Don't be such a biatch for once, got it?"
Memories Ride the Wind
Dla nastolatkówI've been thinking about you. Just the mere thought of you with somebody else, I don't like that. You're in my veins, Kaiden, and it scares me. Can you hear me? Because while you've been there and I've been here, I've thought of you everyday-but why...