chapter 2

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"I am going to go and train for a few months" I announce in a matter of fact tone.

Team Natsu, who were all sat around a single table look at me with wide eyes "What do you mean by that?" Lucy exclaims, standing up her hands flat on the table. Sighing, I cross my arms "It is exactly how it sounds" I answer in a matter of fact tone. Natsu whines "But we were going to go on a mission together" propping his head on his crossed arms in disappointment. Feeling slightly guilty I pat his pink, spiky locks "Sorry Natsu, I will have to put it on hold" I say softly. Erza is the next to speak up "When are you planning on leaving?" leaving me hesitant to answer "Tomorrow morning" I say softy, everting my (e/c) eyes else were. My eyes instead fall on my dark haired boyfriend, who seemed to be having an internal debate. Mine and Gray's eyes lock, as I see some betrayal within his onyx orbs. Our eyes snap away from each other when Wendy asks "But why so sudden" making me freeze on the spot. I didn't want to say I wanted to train to get revenge, but I also didn't want to lie to them. But what choice do I have. I look down sadly, rubbing my forearm with my hand "I... I just don't want anyone..." I suck in my breath "I don't want anyone else to die in my stead" I finish off, looking up I see everyone look at me with pity in their eyes. Shrugging everything off, I stand up tall "Anyway, I need to go and pack" I say, making my way out of the guild, their eyes following me as I went.

'Sorry everyone for lying' is all I could think as I made my way towards my house, where I had left Sooti sleeping since he was old enough to stay at home at his age. Taking out my house key I unlock the door, stepping inside and shutting the door behind me. I walk through my house and into my bedroom to find Sooti still asleep on my pillow "He may be older but he still acts like a baby" I chuckle quietly to myself. Returning to the task I was originally on, walking over to the black wardrobe that stood on the other side of the room. Opening the wooden doors I look over my articles of clothing. I take out a pair of black jeggings, which allowed me to move freely which it what I loved most about them. I then shuffled through them. I then eventually find a thermal vest of a (f/c) colour. Nodding to myself, I place that next to the jeggings I had already picked out. Returning once more to the wardrobe, I rummage past a few more shirts and jeans before finding a sleeveless coat, with a black fur rimmed hood. Taking it off the hanger I throw it with the other pieces of clothing.

Closing the doors of the wardrobe, I kneel down to open a drawer that contained numerous undergarments. I take out my most comfortable socks, underwear and sports bra, also grabbing my... *cough* time of the month necessaries *cough* which I kept in the drawer also. Standing and grabbing all of my clothes, I walk over and place my clothes to my bed. Stripping down to nothing, I step into my underwear and jeggings. Picking up my sports bra, I slip it over my head and clasp the back before adjusting it a bit. I then pick up my thermal vest, pulling it on with slight difficulty. Letting out one last breath I pick up the sleeveless pearl white coat, putting it on zipping and buttoning up the black buttons. Letting out a huff I plop myself down on the floor, picking up the pair of socks I got out and slip them onto my feet with ease. Groaning at the fact I have to get up, with a huff I push myself to a stand. Looking at my clock I read the time to be 8:30pm, making me remember that I had forgotten to ask Gray to look after Sooti while I was gone. I will just leave a note for him apologizing for the inconvenience with Sooti. Walking other to my desk I take a piece of paper and a pen, writing the note down and signing it at the bottom with a small, yet adorable, smiley face. Picking up the note, I gently place it next to Sooti, where he was sure to see it. I wasn't worrying since he already knew I was leaving, though he was quite upset by the fact that I was leaving him behind.

Happy with that, I pick up my monthly items and also grab a small black back pack, before walking out of my room and into the kitchen. Placing my back pack on the side, I quickly put my monthly items in the backpack before opening a cupboard I take out two boxes of energy bars and some bottle water I had brought earlier. Packing them up, I open another cupboard taking out some matches and fire starters, First Aid and other essentials. Closing that cupboard I stuff the items into the backpack, zipping it up and throwing it over my shoulder. Looking at the time the gathering of items somehow took me to 11:23pm. Letting out a sigh, I walk toward my front door. I quietly slip on my heavy and thick snow boots, wrapping my warm (f/c) scarf that Juvia had knitted kindly for me around my neck; the long scarf reaching past my waist. I grasp the door knob, opening the door and stepping out into the cold of the night; as it was October as of now. Shutting the door behind me, I notice the shirtless figure of my boyfriend standing in front of me.

My eyes widen when I see him "What happened to leaving in the morning?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. I fidget with my fingers "I knew that everybody would come in the morning to say goodbye and you know how I hate goodbyes since" I am cut off my strong arms pulling me into a well-built chest. Gray breaths in my scent as he buries his face into my soft (h/c) hair "Just stay safe... please" he pleads, his grip around me tightening slightly. Nodding, I hug tightly back. I knew this is one of the things I would miss the most. Despite the fact that I wanted this to last forever, we pull away slightly and Gray leans down and kisses me eagerly. We push our lips together, the moment feeling like pure bliss. The warmness emitting from us perfectly going against the bitterness of the cold around us. Though it didn't really bother us anyway since we are both ice mages. We soon have to pull away, the cold invading my lungs. Gray smiles down at me, pecking my forehead affectionately "I love you" he whispers to me. Humming in appreciation "I love you too, Gray-chan" I mumble back, the honorific surprising Gray. Chuckling, I rest my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat. Deciding to answer to answer the question that was plaguing his mind I say "Juvia always says honorific so I decided to try it out" I smile, as I look at the dust of pink on my boyfriend's cheeks.

Deciding that I should be heading out now I reluctantly pull away from Gray "I better be going now" I say sadly. Adjusting my backpack I go to walk away when Gray catches my wrist "Wait, I got you something" Turning around I watch him shove his hand into his pocket and pull out a necklace. He steps forwards and hands it to me. I look down at it in my hand and it was a small jar with a cork keeping it sealed, a loop was on the top of the cork, where the silver chain of the necklace was threaded through. But what fascinated me the most was the blue glowing snowflake that floated in the centre of the jar. I marvel at it "Is this..." "Yeah... I wanted you to know that I am always with you no matter where you are" Gary says shyly. Smiling I carefully clip it around my neck and holding over my chest. Smiling widely I go on my tippy toes, using Gray's chest to hold me from falling over an peck him on the nose before running off.

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