chapter 3

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The snow was stacked high, reaching up to my knees as I ploughed through the cold powder. The top layers of the blankets of snow compressing down on the already fallen snow and turning it into ice. Huffing I pull to a stop and pull my scarf down to have a look around. The place was good enough and isolated enough for training, which is exactly what I needed. Isolation being the main one as I would be creating new spells for not only attacking and defending but for pure killing intent. Looking down I quietly cuss to myself "God dammit it" the fine snow that had rested on the top layer had stuck firmly to my leggings. Rubbing my bare hands against the fabric to wipe it off, I soon give up as there was no point in the first place. Standing up straight I ponder on what to start with, but I soon realise the best option as I drop my backpack in the snow, which padded it from the short fall from my back. Unbuttoning by coat I pull it off, I then proceeded to pull off my thermal also. Leaving me in only my bra, leggings and boots. Though the coldness of the cold climate wound send any normal person into shivers, I was fine as Ice mages were always trained to sustain the cold.

Although, not all of them develop a habit of stripping at random in public like my boyfriend.

Plopping myself down into the snow, which morphed to make an imprint of my butt, I cross my legs and place my hands on my knees. Taking in a deep breath I close my eyes and I begin to breathe in through my mouth and exhale through my nose. I focus on breathing in a slow rhythm, like one of a person sleeping. My hearing is tuned to the beating of my heart, each beat echoing in my head. I can almost feel the blood pulsing through my veins. Focusing harder I can hear the twitching of my muscles and every sound that my body emits. Digging deeper I soon find the essence of my soul. The sound of whirring is heard as I sharpen my ears to the sounds of my soul. In my mind I see a glowing ball of wispy blue flame, in the middle of a black abyss, the image calms me as I venture the very energy of my being. I soon notice a snake like smoke circling my soul, being black in colour. Furrowing my brow I zoom in on the mysterious snake like smoke slithering around my soul. The thing seems to hold an evil intent, something that felt intriguing as it pulled me towards it, but also a feeling of fear of it. I notice it trying to get into my soul, which still shone bright and pure with a blue glow. But every time it did a yellow kind of force field causes it to bounce back, in something like pain. Anger emitting from the creature, seeming frustrated. The thing that interests me more now is the bigger yellow ball surrounding my soul, something about it seems almost... familiar. I feel sadness as I look at it, something about it makes me feel a deep pang in my chest.

Feeling myself lose concentration I slip back into reality, opening my eyes to see it had begun to snow. Looking up at the sky I notice dark clouds rolling in, giving the warning that a snow storm was coming. Sighing I stand up, picking up my thermal, coat and back pack off from the floor and huffing as I sling them all over my shoulder. Looking around I manage to find and awfully convenient cave just a little further up the hill. Hiking up the steep and snowy slope, it takes me around ten minutes to reach the cave. Looking in it seemed all too familiar to me. Wait, it couldn't be. I drop my items as I gape in amazement, the cave was spacious and had a familiar underlying smell to it. Walking further in I notice a mark or black smudge on the floor of the cave. Crouching down I run a finger along it and look to see a dusty substance traced thinly on my finger tip. Bringing it up to me nose I confirm it to be soot from a fire. Wiping it off on my leg, I continue into the cave to discover a bed of straw in the innermost part of the cave. On instinct I run over falling to my knees and burying my face into the straw; which was somewhat decaying at this point. Inhaling deeply through my nose, I can smell an all too familiar and welcoming smell past the dominating decay. The scent of my mother.

It all comes rushing back to me. I remember arriving at the opening of the large cave after a long day of training and running it to the cave, which I loved as a home. I remember waiting by the fire for the fish to cook and fill my growling stomach after I had worked myself to my limits to make my mother proud. I remember yawning and rubbing my eyes as the fish would fill my stomach, filling me with a warm sensation. I remember then waddling along to the back of the cave where the nest of straw I slept upon at night. I remember curling up on the straw, against the large crystalline dragon and laid against her chest. I remember she would always place her wing over me as a protective blanket. I remember always nuzzling into her chest and falling asleep to the sound of my mother's heartbeat, which was like a calming lullaby to me. I remember the day she left me, how I woke up to a chilling breeze kissing my (s/c) skin, my eyes fluttering open and feeling of exposure flowing through my body. I remembering being naïve enough to think she would come back. I remember the feeling of loneliness and worry when she hadn't returned after a day. I remember clutching the snowflake bracelet my mother gave me, wishing for her return. But she never did... only left with a single dream telling me where to go, but that didn't help fill the emptiness in my heart. The betrayal that only drove me to find her and ask her why she had left me.

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