Chapter 14- "Happy Birthday!!"

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I know its been so long i update and i wanna say sorry for that :)


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” They all shouted. I never knew they would make a surprise for me. The people I love is here surprising me on my birthday which means the people I love is: my parents, friends , co camper is summer camp, my bestfriend and most of all the guy that I love even though were not together.

I was still shock that I did not notice that someone run to me and hug me tight which cause me to comeback from reality. The person let me go and I was shock on who it was. It was my bestfriend: Yuri.

“Oh My God!!!” I shout in excitement and hug her tight

“I so miss you” I said

“Me too” she replied

Once I let go of her I smiled widely. I was really did not thought they will do this to me. Realization hit me why Aunt and Lily stiffen up when I asked where are the others , why Lily left me suddenly , why I did not  saw the others and why It was quite when we went out in the camp area , because they are gathered here for my surprise party. I am really happy and I’m so thankful.

Heechul went to me bringing with him a microphone I got confused. Why is he bringing a microphone and coming towards me? The moment he arrived in front of me he hand me the microphone and I took it.

“Start the party” he whisper in my ear so that no one can hear

I look at him and smile widely. Heechul got the attention of everyone the room became silent and they all look at me.

I smile widely at them.

“LETS START THE PARTY!!!” I shouted through the microphone. Yeah I shouted!. Everyone cheered and the moments I shouted One Direction’s Live While We’re Young immediately played , everyone start to dance.

“Hey” a familiar voice whispered in my ear from the back, his voice sent me shiver to my spine. I turn around and I was right who is was. Donghae

“Hey” I said smiling widely I was happy cause he is part of the surprises and he did not forgot about my birthday.

“Happy Birthday” he said

“Thanks” I replied

“My gift is in the table and also the others” I was shock cause I never thought they will give me gifts.

“Thanks again” I said

“So do you like the theme of your party?” he asked.

“Yeah… its like a prom theme” I said , it really is like a prom theme since everyone is in formal dresses and it was a nice them I totally love it.

Suddenly a slow music played.

“May I have a dance with the birthday girl?” he asked , I was grinning like a fool because my crush just ask me to dance with him

“Yeah sure” I giggled and he takes my hand going to the dance floor

When we arrived in the dance floor I saw my mom and dad dancing, Siwon and Yuri, something caught my eyes which turn me into shock it was Heechul and Lily dancing and flirting with each other actually they look cute but I’m not sure with Lily cause I’m still doubting that either she really changed or what.

Donghae grab my waist and pull me closer to him, he tighten his grip on but it doesn’t hurt it was a comfortable grip. I wrap my arms around his neck. First I tensed on his hold but I suddenly relaxed. We swayed to the beat just looking on each others eyes, I want us to be like this forever but I know we can’t since he doesn’t like me and I can’t call him mine.

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