If I Say I'm Sorry

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Cain arrived at the mandatory staff meeting of Dark Drummer Stud late that morning. He'd didn't even understand why he had to come. Five minutes of the entire two hour meeting was devoted to the night shifts duties. The rest was to do with the day's chaotic schedule. But Sebastian, the only friend he'd gained since coming to work at the farm two weeks ago, had said the foreman had requested his attendance. And so, here he was, ducking into the back of the staff's hall to stand by the door, twenty minutes late. Everyone was too busy listening to one of the National Hunt trainers to pay him any attention, and he wound through the gathered crowd to where Sebastian was slouching in a corner.

"Here's your pastry." Cain hissed darkly, tossing a sticky bun wrapped in brown paper at the other man.

"Took you long enough." He retorted glaring at Cain. The effect was lost by the piece of cinnamon doused bread trailing from the corner of his mouth.

Cain chose not to comment on Sebastian's eating habits, instead saying: "You owe me three pounds for that."

Sebastian groaned. "Oh come on Giraud! Give me a break. It's three whole pounds. Surly you can spare three pounds for my sake!"

"Exactly," Cain said evenly, "it's three whole pounds I didn't have to spare."

Sebastian muttered something in German that sounded suspiciously like "impossible asshole", but fished out his wallet and handed a few coins to Cain. Cain pocketed them before turning to looked around the room cautiously.

"So what's happening?" He asked. Sebastian snorted.

"Racers are going out this weekend, travelling grooms to be decided. And there was a bit about a few boarders leaving for the summer. Other than that? Nothing that concerns you."

Cain's jaw clenched a little. Sebastian had job Cain wanted. While Cain was sure Sebastian wasn't rubbing his face in it on purpose it was still incredibly annoying to be reminded that Sebastian was out on the track in the morning while Cain was stuck mucking out stalls and cleaning buckets.

Cain stood in the corner of the room sullenly for the rest of the meeting. He'd woken up late, and in his hurry to leave had to forgo his morning cigarette. Now his felt edgy, and there was a migraine brewing somewhere deep behind his eyes. It was a relief when the staff was finally dismissed to their morning chores. He could go home, maybe take Belle and Vicky to the park, and then sleep until noon.

"Giraud, my office, ten minutes!" Cain started at the sound of John White's voice ringing out across the room. The short balding man oversaw all the grooms and stable hands. Getting called into his office was cause to worry, and most people who walked in there walked out without a job. However Cain nodded, and followed the Englishman towards his office. As the door was pulled shut behind him he squared his shoulders.

Cain stood awkwardly by John's desk, as the man shuffled papers into a pile, waiting for John to deem him worthy of attention, and seething quietly in the interim. He hated being ignored.

"Sit down Cain. You look edgy." John finally said, looking up from a list of reports he was pouring over. Cain decided not to mention the cigarettes and sat. A few seconds later John finally put his paper down.

"I'm changing your work load, and giving you a shift in the morning. You can start today." John said, viewing Cain over steepled fingers.

"No th--" Cain opened his mouth, but John cut him off.

"Look, you work hard, harder than I thought you would, but understand I can't give you a job as an exercise rider because it's the trainers, not me, that vet everyone who gets on their horses. You're obviously a capable rider, and an efficient man, but none of the trainers are going to notice that if you keep working from four until ten at night. The morning shift will put you in front of them for consideration." John said honestly. Cain remained silent.

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