Alvira: This Story Sounds Familiar

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Alvira decided that it was high time she should probably reevaluate her life. Mistakes just kept happening, and happening and it was quite obvious she was causing them. And she would soon fix whatever it was causing this. Once she was free. Pacing back and forth, on the stained dresser, she went over her escape plan.

1. Squeeze under the door.

2. Find that mousehole she'd seen in the kitchen when they'd first come to the tower.

3. Use said mousehole to make her way around the tower, to the bottom garden

4. Drain the life force out of the garden

5. Use this energy to fight her way out against Fleur's potions

6. Pray her superiors never find out about this.

If they did, she had an excuse. She was deceived, technically, by Fleur. Sweet, sweet Fleur who turned out to be a raging psychopath. She had helped a raging psychopath. It should've been the cute brown curls that tipped her off.

Fleur kept asking for more and more and more magic and Alvira was constantly almost zapped out. Which is why, though she didn't like hurting plants, this had to go right. She took a thimble, putting it over her head like a mask. With a pixie dagger in hand (thankfully she hadn't told Fleur about that or it would've been confiscated) she charged towards the door, running, and diving into a slide. She emerged on the other side, thankfully not decapitated.

She shook herself, and looked around. She'd barely been out of that room since they'd arived. At the moment, she was in some sort of sitting room. Not the kitchen, that's for sure, but there were large windows that let in a blinding amount of sunlight. Alvira scurried away from the light like a cockroach, making her way towards the next door. She crawled under it, and found a winding, winding set of stairs. Fleur's voice came from the bottom.

"Ugh, I need more magic," she said frustrated. There was raw, untamed rage in her voice. "I need my own magic. I need to drain that pixie and take it for myself! Can't keep asking her, she'll get suspicious. She'll figure out my plan..."

Now, Alvira, from life experiance, knew that most of the time when someone doesn't want you to hear their plan it's because it involves them doing something evil, like committing murder or trying to rule all the kingdoms. So, of course, she was very curious to hear the plan. She could probably fit it into her escape route...

Alvira hoisted herself from stone to stone, doing sumersaults, and handsprings until she got tired and just walked. It seemed like forever until she made it to the kitchen. Fleur stood over a wooden table in said kitchen, dressed in silvery robes with her hair done up like a proper enchantress. This would probably make it a bit harder for Alvira to escape.

The pixie crept, trying to stay out of sight and shadows, as it would reveal her silver glow. All the pots, pans, and other assorted cookware was cleared off the top of the table to make way for Fleur's working space. Cauldrons, herb crushing bowls, ingredient bottles, and finished potion product made an assembly line of magic. But Fleur didn't look to happy, angrily mashing salt, mint, and crushed bones of some animal Alvira couldn't identify. She was muttering to herself, looking at a piece of paper spread out on the table.

Alvira felt that a civic duty, like finding out what a psychotic potion's maker plan was, might convince the fairy godmothers not to revoke her training license all together.

She looked around, looking at the shelves and forming a plan. Hoping carefully on the stacked up pots, she flung herself onto one of the shelves. It creaked slightly. She dove behind a wood jar to keep from being seen. Carefully, she climbed on top of the jar and hoisted herself up to the next level. She continued jumping shelves till she was satisfied with the height, and peered out to read.

She didn't understand much, it was mostly a bunch of scribbles and notes about what someone named Kalon does or does not approve of. Kalon... Alvira didn't remember where she knew it from but it spelled trouble. She quickly climbed down from her reading place, and was so close to reaching the ground.

Until a delicate, princess-like hand picked her up. Fleur squeezed her as she spoke.

"You little pest! Were you spying on me?" Fleur demanded.

"Depends," Alvira choked, "Do you have anything to hide?"

Fleur paused. "No?"

"Then I wasn't spying. Goodbye." With that, Alvira bit down hard on Fleur's fingers. She dropped, landing on the table top and climbing down as the girl cradled her hand. She rushed to that mouse hole in the wall, and almost made it, right when Fleur's foot came down, pinning her tiny legs beneath it. Alvira bit her lip, trying not to cry in pain.

"And after I nursed you back to health, weak little fairy. Used my mother's tower as shelter. Oh well, I only need your magic, not your heart beating!"

An idea popped into Alvira's head, and she slumped on the floor like she was unconscious. Fleur's foot released, walking away to find 'those prongs she'd left lying around'. Alvira crawled through the mousehole, emerging in the thick grass of the garden. She didn't have much time till Fleur noticed she was gone. She quickly scooted herself against the brick wall, breathing heavily and concentrating.

She felt it, the life force of the plants around her leave their roots, rushing through the soil and filling her. Like the sensation of water swirling throughout her body. Her silvery aura enhanced, and she was no longer hindered by her legs. She floated up, more graceful then she ever had, and looked almost remorsefully at the brown grass and flowers. But hardly sorry when she saw Fleur, and shot up without a second thought. High enough were she felt confident her mistakes couldn't reach her. Then she flew, thinking about that name: Kalon.

Where had she heard it?

The tower Fleur had found was surrounded by nothing but forest, and there wasn't really a kingdom for miles. So Alvira contently flew, hoping not to let her mind wander to far and ignoring the searing pain in both of her legs. Just fly away. Fly away from all the mistakes she's made.

Hi! Hi!

So yay. New chapter, plot and characters hopefully thickening.

I'm kind of sad that no one really comments anymore. I do love talking with you guys and miss the comment abundance from the first few chapters. I know you guys vote. Would you please drop me a comment or at least answer the QoTC. Speaking of which:

QoTC: For the rest of the time I'm working on this, would you prefer short chapter like this one that I can update daily or longer chapters that take me two or three days to work out and will probably be more confusing to sort out?

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