Chapter 6

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A month and a half later
Carlisle's P.O.V.
I'm sitting on the couch with Sophie cradled in my arms. She's 8 months old now. She's laying on my chest while I watch TV. Suddenly she lets out a small sneeze. I look down at my baby girl. 'Something got up your nose, princess?' She ruffles her nose. I look back up to the TV. At our one month visit, Nurse Kinsley was more than satisfied with how Sophie was doing. A few minutes later, she sneezes again. 'Awe angel. I say, cuddling her closer. All through out the day, Sophie sneezes. Sometimes it's a few at once or just the one. I'm a little worried about her but I'll see how she is in the morning.
The next morning Sophie is still sneezing. I place a hand to her little head and her head is only a little warm. She seems okay. Maybe she's just a little snuffly. I head out for work for the day and hope the sweetie pie feels better soon. Unfortunately, when I get home from work, Sophie is still sneezing and now her head is burning. She also begins crying and she has a slight fever. I cradle and comfort her and make sure she gets enough rest. I place a small damp wash cloth over her head to try to bring down her fever. Later that night, Sophie unfortunately begins coughing too. I can't imagine how the poor baby feels. That night, Edward rushes to the pharmacy to get her some medicine to make her feel better and to stop the coughing and take her fever down more. The cold compress was helping a little but not enough. I give Sophie 2 spoonfuls of her special medicine which tasted of strawberry so it was so bad for her. She seemed to enjoy the taste. One of the first babies I had ever seen to like that sort of medicine. Hopefully she'll begin to feel better soon. I don't like it when my baby is ill. She must feel so awful and then I feel awful for her. Rosalie says that they were out at the park one day when it was a little warm but it turned cold quickly so they came home to make sure Sophie didn't get too sick but apparently the walk to the car was enough to make her ill. We keep her warm but not enough to over hear her. We wrap her in a blanket with a hand pressed to her head. It's times like these when a fever needs brought down, that I'm glad I'm a vampire and we're cold- blooded. But it won't help the angel in the winter. We'll have to wrap her in extra blankets in winter which is approaching soon. It'll be her first Christmas ever and it's so special we get to spend it with her. Sophie is really like having our own child. Me and Esme couldn't have kids cause I was a vampire and then I turned her so we adopted the ones we'd turned and others and now little Sophie is like our own little baby. Esme did have her own child when she was a human but she lost it. That's how we met again. She tried to kill herself. I'm glad I met Esme. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I will love and cherish her forever. We have our coven but we also have our family. Edward was the first one I turned so then when I met Esme, he became our first adopted son. And so our coven grew but it became a family. And now Sophie is like our own child. We adopted her when she's a baby so it's like she's our own. She's got brown hair and brown eyes just like Esme. She could pass as Esme's real daughter.
A few days later, Sophie's feeling better now. Right now she's sitting in her ball pit, playing happily. I hear Alice and Edward bickering once again so I go to sort it out. When I come back a minute later to check on Sophie, she's just climbed out of her ball pit. I go to stop her but Alice is at my side. 'Don't. Just watch.' She says. So I stand and watch Sophie. She climbs out of her ball pit then Alice hands me a camera. 'You might wanna record this moment.' She says. I take the camera and press record. Suddenly Sophie crawls along the floor and over to where her ball is but then she struggles to get back to her ball pit. I chuckle slightly and she looks up at me, grinning. Baby Sophie then figures out how to turn around and crawls back to the ball pit. She climbs back in and begins playing once again. I chuckle and turn the camera off. I head over to the baby girl and play with her for awhile. Esme then comes in and takes her off for her feed but I follow and hold her while Esme makes her bottle. Sophie's feeding system is porridge and fruit for breakfast with a bottle, food for lunch and a bottle for dinner to help her sleep. When she sucks on her bottle, the way her eyes droop when she's nearly finished. The way she places a hand on top of yours. Or if she's with one of the girls, she'll play with their hair. It's so adorable. Once she's had enough, she pulls her head back and nuzzles it in to you. I then cuddle her close. Edward tells me to follow him so I do then sit on the couch as Edward plays the piano softly. It becomes a lullaby to little Sophie and she dozes off in my arms. I then carry her to her room and change her diaper and put her in her pyjama onesie. I then place the sleeping baby girl in her crib.

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