Chapter 8

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Bella's P.O.V.
After Edward took me up to the tree tops for awhile, he brought me back to the house to meet Sophie. He leads me along to her room. He walks me over to Sophie's crib. He gently lifts the little girl out of her crib and cradles her. I lean forward towards her. She smiles and giggles at me. I smile as does Edward. 'She likes you. Would you like to hold her?' 'Yeah sure.' Edward carefully passes me the small child. I cradle her softly in my arms. She seems so small. The small baby girl snuggles into me and clings tightly to my finger with her tiny hand. I smile down at Sophie and rock her gently. 'She really likes you.' Edward points out. Sophie looks over at Edward. He steps closer to me and puts one arm around around me while he places the other hand against Sophie's head. 'It's time to feed her. Do you want to help?' Edward asks me. 'I'd love too.' I smile. 'Wait here.' He says and rushes to the kitchen to make her bottle and rushes back. I place the bottle in her mouth and she sucks on it contently. Once she's finished her bottle and I burp her, Edward leads me to a room with a piano in it. I sit on the couch with baby Sophie cradled in my arms as Edward  plays the piano softly. He plays a song called Clair Du Lune by Debussy. The song is simply beautiful and it sends baby Sophie to sleep fairly quickly. I smile down at the sleeping baby girl. Edward finishes playing the beautiful beautiful song and walks over to me with Sophie asleep in my arms. He smiles before gesturing me to follow him. He leads me to the gorgeous nursery that belongs to the sleeping princess in my arms. I gently place her into her crib and put her teddy bear beside her. I follow Edward out of the nursery and follow him on a tour of the rest of the house.

Edward takes me to play Baseball with the family while baby Sophie goes to see the woman from the orphanage who has the title of Aunt. We meet James, Laraunt and Victoria and they find out I am human. The Cullen's protect me then Edward rushes me to the car to get me out of there. Edward tries to take me to Vancouver but I tell him no way. My dad is still there. 'Edward I said leave me alone.' 'Bella please don't do this.' 'It's over. Get out.' I slam the door shut and head up stairs. 'Bella. Bella.' Charlie calls as he follows me up the stairs. 'I gotta get out of here. I'm leaving. Now.' I close my bedroom door and Edward and I pack some clothes into bag. 'Bella.' 'What am I gonna say to him? I can't hurt him.' 'Bella, what's going on?' 'You just have to. I'll be down at the truck.' Edward says. 'Did he hurt you?' Charlie asks as I walk past him into the bathroom and pack my toiletries. 'Did he break up with you or something?' 'No, I broke up with him.' 'I thought you liked him.' 'Yeah, that's why I have to leave. I don't want this. I have to go home.' 'Home? Your mom is not even in the States.' 'She'll come home. I'll call her from the car.' 'You're not gonna drive home right now. You can sleep on it. If you still feel like going in the morning, I'll drive you to the airport.' 'No, I wanna drive, it'll give me time to think.' 


Carlisle is worried about taking Baby Sophie with them so he leaves her with her Aunt Audrey. Once I'm out of the hospital and I've had prom, Edward takes me back to see Sophie. Edward lifts me into his arms and flies up the stairs. I let a deep breath out. 'I can walk upstairs you know.' 'I know. But carrying you is fun.' Edwards says with a smirk. We walk through to the living room where the family is and Sophie is sitting on the floor with her favourite purple ball. 'Hey Bella.' Alice exclaims as she rushes to me for a hug. 'Hey Alice.' She pulls back at turns to look at Sophie. 'Someone's been waiting for you.' She says. Sophie spots me and squeals. I widen my eyes at the sudden noise. She goes on all fours and begins to crawl over to me. I bend down to meet her as she stands up to place a hand on my knee. The whole room erupts in applause. I lift Sophie up and hold her tightly, still afraid I'll drop her. 'She's doing really well with her crawling.' Edward exclaims. 'And she's starting to feed herself well too!' Alice exclaims. 'Speaking of feeding.' Emmett says. 'Sophie's a little hungry.' Edward says with a smile. I pass Sophie to Edward and follow him to the kitchen. He sits her in her high chair then walks around normally preparing her food. She lets a little impatient whine out of her. Edward brings her food over and shows me how to feed her before handing me the spoon. She takes two spoonfuls from me before taking the spoon. She sits it in her food and grabs her bottle. She takes it in both hands and has a drink before lifting her spoon. She still struggles a bit with getting the food on the spoon so I help her but she feeds herself no problem. Sophie continues to feed herself and give herself a drink. Once she's finished and burped, we return to the living room where she plays in her ball pit. After a little while, Sophie starts to stand up but since she's leaning against the ball pit, she begins to fall forward towards the floor. Edward, Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle all rush at top speed to catch her. Edward catches her and lifts her up. 'She's okay.' He places her on his lap on the couch. She sits there for awhile but grows restless and begins to struggle out of his arms. He slowly lowers her to the floor. She turns and uses the couch and Edward's leg to stand up. Everyone applauds and cheers then she loses her balance and lands on her bum. Edward picks her up but she just laughs. 'She'll be standing in no time.' Emmett says. 'What is it, Alice?' I hear Jasper asks. 'Sophie will definitely be walking soon!' She exclaims. Everyone in the room smiles. 'And Bella will be there.' She says. I smile. 'Really?' I ask. Alice nods. 'But you won't be wearing your cast anymore.' I feel myself smile. Not just that I won't have this cast much longer but also the fact I'll be there for Sophie's very first steps.

I know it's been like half a decade since I updated but I fought my chapter idea sheet so I should have a few more ideas plus I have an idea someone sent me. Any other ideas would be gratefully appreciated and credited.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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