Chapter 12: Date Night

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    The night was finally here, our first official date. I was fine all week, but now I'm nervous as hell. I was sitting in the dorm going over the plan for the evening with Blair and Raiden. "Ok, First we're having dinner at the restaurant, then we're going to the movie, and finally were go in to the park for a walk. How's that sound?" Blair shook her head and answered, "Like I said a week ago, she'll love it."

    Raiden nodded in agreement and added, "Yeah, Plus it's only your first date, you can only get better from here. Right?" I nodded and stood up and asked, "So, where is Maka right now?"

     "She's over with Team RWBY getting ready." Blair answered. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 4:30, we agreed to meet at 6:00. I went and got a shower, shaved, brushed my teeth, then changed into a dark red dress shirt with a black tie and some black jeans. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 5:30. I thought showing up early might be nice, plus I had to talk to Ren about something anyway. I put on a black hoodie, slid my phone in my pocket, got my wallet and walked out the door.

     I quickly arrived outside Team RWBY's dorm, but knocked on Team JNPR's door hoping Ren was here. Luckily, Ren was the one who answered the door. "Oh, Atem. Was wondering when you'd show up." He said quietly. "Hey, Ren. You got it?" I asked intently. He nodded and replied, "Of course I do." He disappeared into his room for a few minutes, then quickly returned with a white lotus flower I had asked him to get two weeks ago.

    "Here you are. I hope Maka likes it." He said as he handed me the flower. "Thanks man. I owe you one." I said with a smile. "Don't worry about it. Just have a good time." Ren said with a slight smile before he closed his door. I turned around and took a deep breath before knocking on Team RWBY's door. Yang quickly answered the door and greeted, "Oh, Hey, Cuz. Looking good!"

     I scratched th back of my head and replied, "Thanks. Um, is she ready? Not trying to rush or anything." Yang put her hand on my shoulder and said,"Wow, you are soooo nervous." I gulped before asking, "Is it that obvious?" She laughed as answered with a smile, "It's written all over your face." I groaned and wiped my forehead with the hand that wasn't behind my back holding the flower. "Don't worry, you'll be fine." Yang said reassuringly. I slightly smiled, just then Weiss came to the door and said, "She's ready."

   Yang opened the door and backed up letting Maka walk to the door. She was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was curled, she was wearing a dress the color of her hair, and her makeup was perfect. She looked at me and blushed before saying shyly, "Hi." I smiled and replied, "Y-you look absolutely beautiful."

     "Thanks." She replied as her face became more red. I then remembered what I had behind my back and held out the lotus flower and said, "Um, I-I got you this." Her eyes widened as she took the flower and exclaimed, "It's beautiful!" Yang walked to her dresser and pulled out a hair tie, then took the flower and fixed it to stay on Maka's wrist. "Thanks Yang." She said still smiling. "No problem. Now, you two get going, alright?" I looked at my watch and said, "Yeah, we should be going." Maka nodded and we both left the room and made our way to the airships.

    We shortly arrived in the city and walked down the street towards the restaurant. I looked down at her and admired how beautiful she looked. She noticed this and looked away and asked, "Why're you staring at me?" "Sorry, It's just... I've never seen you like this." I said quickly. She gave me a puzzled look and asked, "What do you mean?" I stumbled overly next few words as I said, "Well, I, Um, just, uh..." and trailed off before I could get the sentence out.

     She stopped walking and asked, "What's wrong, Atem? You're not yourself tonight." I sighed and looked away before answering, "I'm just nervous. I really wanna get this right." She held my face in her hand and said, "Atem. You'll be fine. Just relax, ok?" I nodded and she asked, "This is the place, isn't it?" I turned around and realized that we were indeed here. "Yeah, this is it." She smiled and asked, "Shall we then?" She held out her hand, Which I gladly took as I opened the door for her and we walked in.

Rwby Fanfic: Atem Akanaten; Huntsman in training.Where stories live. Discover now