Chapter 1

71 11 1

Edit: 03/10/16

It hurts, it hurts so badly. This pain I thought I would never encounter for years to come. Here it is, numbing my mind, distorting my senses. This pain made seconds age as decades. I wanted to die. Yes, it was such a pain. I actually wanted to die. I took in a deep breath and tried to hide my agony. I didn't want anyone to know that I had stubbed my toe! Do you know how embarrassing that is? And right in the middle of the class mind you. I would be the laughing stock of the class; no, the school, or at least so I thought. While I yelped silently in pain, the class paid no heed. They simply went along with their day as if it was another normal morning at the lifeless, soul-sucking institution known as school. How dare they mock me with their silence! Do they not know what I am capable of? Have they forgotten my name? I am...

"dude, you're blocking the board."

I turned to see Zeke, a tall but lanky boy sitting behind me.

"S-Shut up nerd!"

I retorted and scurried off to my seat before the teacher could scold me. Mrs. Bridget looked from her desk slowly and rotated her head from left to right as if she were scanning the horizon. I was already in my seat, so the classroom looked at peace through her eyes, not that she would notice anything. Mrs. Bridget had the slowest reaction time of all the teachers here at Blake high, despite her being in her mid-40's. Even the feared 'sixth sense' that most seasoned teachers possessed seemed to be absent. I glanced around the class looking for a reason to not do the assignment. My gaze stopped upon a flushed face. It was Berlinda, the fairest amongst them all in our class. Despite her short figure, she shined graciously whenever I saw her; shame she wasn't my type tho. I lean more towards the taller type. But the more important issue was why was she blushing in my direction? I was puzzled. I didn't even do anything besides stub my toe and that isn't sexy in any language. "Maybe she's blushing in my general direction" I thought, as jumping to conclusions has often gotten me in trouble in the past. Taking a quick look behind me, I realized that it wasn't me. Riker, a tough, muscular brute who was known for his muscles and not his brain, was mouthing something to her that apparently seemed to interest her. I scoffed; and he threw me a long mean stare. I took up this stare challenge and responded with a plain old poker face. That always gets em for some reason, offended, he stood up out of his seat and slowly walked towards me, maintaining his mean grin. Just as he approached, the bell rang and the children stood up almost simultaneously, creating an uproar.

"Looks like you were saved by the bell punk",

he growled and proceeded to throw my books onto the floor.

"Yeah, you better run"I whispered as he left.

I bent down to pick up my belongings as everyone else exited into the hallway. Just as I was finished, a grumpy voice cracked behind me.

"Bob, where is your assignment? Everyone else's is on their desk."

Great" I mumbled, "thanks a lot Riker.

There was no avoiding it now. I would have to spend the next 45 minutes doing this assignment. Even if I begged her, she wouldn't allow it. Simply great. Not only did I have another common shitty day, I had to endure it longer but staying back in prison, err, school and do this assignment. Everyone would look at me as if I were an idiot and I and to do supplementary sessions. I would fade even further into obscurity. And that wasn't even the worst part. I had had an even bigger problem after this. It was home.

The boy named BobWhere stories live. Discover now