Chapter 11

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My eyes slowly fluttered open and began observing my surroundings. I started rolling towards the end of the bed for my customary wake up routine. The end seemed further than usual. Upon reaching the end my feet felt on cold, ceramic tiles. Strange. Last time I checked my bedroom had a wooden floor. Then it hit me. The events that had happened prior to now. It wasn't a dream. I really, really wanted it to be some kind of messed up dream. As I sat down on the bed forcing myself to accept reality, another thought pooped up in my head. I was wearing pajamas; and they weren't mine. Ms. Lota...undressed me!? I silently shuddered at the thought. God knows whatever she did to my unconscious, nude body. I raised the bottom half of the pj's and peered down into my special place. As far as I'm concerned he looks the same. I let out a sigh of relief and then almost instantly froze again. Where was Ms. Lota? I quickly spun around to see if she was hiding somewhere in the room, waiting for the right moment to pounce. I was the only one here. Slowly and cautiously I headed towards the door. Surprisingly, there was a note hanging on the door knob. I unpinned from the door and read it out loud:

Dear bob, I am sorry about what happened to your mother. You're welcome to stay here as long as you want. i have headed out to school as I could not take a day off. The house is yours till I get back. Help yourself to whatever you need. I hope you're feeling better

Ms. Lota

PS. I didn't do anything to you while I undressed you, although I can't say I wasn't tempted to. Chow!

I let out a weak chuckle and smiled. At least I can put my curiosity to rest. Who would have thought that the sweetest teacher in our school was such a pervert?

I opened the door and headed out. I would have liked to change my clothes, but her closet only contained girly stuff. I was certain that the pj's also belonged to her. Oh well, I guess I'll have to remain like this for a while. Her bedroom was at the end of a corridor. Alongside it had two other doors. The first one was a glassy door. It led to the bathroom I was in last night; the second one was locked. Hmmm. Maybe this door belongs to the other person that lives here. I continued down into the corridor which opened up into the large living room. To my left was the front door, while to my right was a counter dividing the living room and a mini bar. On both sides of the mini bar was two entrances, one of them probably leading towards the kitchen I presume. Directly across me on the other side of the living room was another corridor, identical to the one I just came out in. a large, round glass table was in the middle of the living room, surrounded by soft couches and chairs. Wow, for an art teacher her tastes are really expensive. How much does she even make? A sharp pain and grumble in my stomach told me it was time get some grub. First I had to find the kitchen tho. I knew it was one of the two doors next to the mini bar. Following instinct, I chose the left and went in.

Ms. Lota's POV

'Ugh, I have got to calm myself. I'm worrying too much.' I slouched down in my chair and closed my eyes. The teachers' lounge was reasonably quiet right now. I had a free session at the moment so most of the teachers were out. Mrs. Bridget was the only person in here besides me and she was deep in some work. I was barely able to focus today. The only thing on my mind was getting back home so I could take care of Bob. My mind flashed back to when I was dressing him last night. He was so defenseless, his bare body in front of me, it took every ounce of my strength to keep my hands off of him. I could have easily violated him, and his mighty member. He would protest and try to stop me, but in his weakened state, I could easily pin him down. I would explore every part of his body with my tongue. Unable to deny my urges anymore, I would take his hard thing and shove it deep into my –

"Vrrrrr, vrrrrrrr." my fantasizing was interrupted by the muffled vibrations of my phone which was stuffed deep in my purse. I opened my eyes and gasped silently as one my hands had involuntarily moved into my skirt. I quickly removed it and looked in the direction of Mrs. Bridget. Her head was still down and she was basically ignoring everything around her as always. I breathed out a sigh of relief and reached around in my bag for my phone with my left hand as my right was drenched with my fluids. I smiled at the familiar name and answered. "Hey, I was just thinking about you."

"Humph, if I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I'd probably be married."

"Married? Are you sure you don't mean rich?" I giggled as I scanned my desk my tissues.

 "Nope, definitely married. You know guys love rich girls right?"

 I scoffed, "What? You know it's true." "Why are you calling me again?" I joked, as I found the tissue under some books. 

"Well I was just checking to see if you were alive, you were supposed to call me yesterday but you didn't" she quipped, a bit of sadness in her voice. 

"Oh please, stop acting so childish, you're a grown woman for Christ sakes." 

"You didn't even stop at my work place!" 

"Oh my god, please tell me your kidding Patricia." I responded, I bit annoyed now. "Whatever, we'll talk later, I gotta go."

 "You sound in a hurry, but whatever, Chow." "Yeah I'm driving home right now, anyways bye!" 

"HOME? PATRICIA WAIT!" I tried warning her but it was too late. She had already hanged up her phone. Crap. I hit the redial button and waited. No answer. I was about to call her again when Mr. Robinson walked into the lounge. "Principal wants to see ya Zota." He huffed while passing me by. I sighed. I can only hope she doesn't lose her shit when she sees Bob in there. Please don't freak out ...

Bob's POV

It was just after noon. I had loaded up on breakfast, wandered a bit more; I even found the clothes I came in, which was washed and dried. How generous of her. I was now lazily perched on of the sofas in the living room watching some semi-boring TV show on the 32'' flat screen TV that was perched up along the wall. Eyeing the time on the wall clock, I sighed and headed towards the room. I have about 2 hours before school ends and she gets home. I might as well get bathing out of the way. If she was barely able to contain herself the last time she saw me naked, I sure as hell wouldn't do it a second time. I stripped down buck naked, grabbed a towel and headed to the shower. Opening both the hot and cold faucets into the tub I placed the towel on the rack and stood in front of the tub in all my birthday suit glory. Turning to the side I looked at myself in the full length mirror that was on the side of the bathroom.

 "I'm not so bad." I said out loud, strutting and flexing while looking at myself. I was probably a bit on the lean side, but I wasn't that bad.

 "Heh, heh wait till you get a load of this Ms. Lota" I joked, thrusting my lower abdomen towards the mirror. As I continued thrusting my pelvis in the mirror my second head began to rise higher with each thrust. Just as I was fully erect, the tub was full. I rushed over to close the faucets. In my hurried rush to close them, I slipped and fell, my back against the tub and my legs wide open.

 "Ouch" I groaned, rubbing my head as it had hit the tub. At that very instant, the door flew open and a feminine, familiar figure was standing in the entrance. My jaw almost fell to the ground at the appearance of that person. What the hell was she doing here!? The water began overflowing from the tub and it fell over my face, clouding my vision. I heard a loud scream following by the pattering of feet and the slamming of a door. I was still lying there, contemplating if what just happened was actually real. What was Ms. Palmer doing here?

Author's Note: well, here it is! The next chapter! Sorry for the cliff hanger. I wanted to end the chapter leaving you guessing who the mystery person was, but this chapter was already boring enough. Also since I kinda had writers block, I tried writing from a different point of view. Should I continue like this? Give your thoughts! Anyway, I've said enough. Bye!


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