Chapter Seven

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Riiinnnggg. The bell bellowed throughout the school. It sent a chill through my spine. That bell meant I was one hour close to fighting Riker. What in god's name was I thinking!? There was no way I could beat Riker. And even if I could, there was still one tiny detail remaining. I HAD CHALLENGED FIVE OF HIS FRIENDS. Seriously, what the hell was I thinking? Everyone had poured out of the classroom and headed to the cafeteria. I remained in my seat with my thoughts tormenting me. How was I going to get through this? I couldn't possibly see a way around this. I slammed my face into the desk and sighed. I could feel the tears seeping up, slowly trying to escape.

 "You alright Bob?" 

I looked to see Zeke standing in front of me. "You look kinda pale dude." "Go away nerd" I snapped at him, lowering my head once again. "Whatever, at least I'm not gonna get my ass kicked tomorrow." He muttered. "I heard that!" raising my head once more. "Just be glad it isn't you for a change." "I am," he smirked, and happily trotted out of the class

. My stomach grumbled as I lay rooted in my seat. Normally I'd head to the cafeteria for some grub, but there was someone I needed to avoid at all costs. Riker? No, not really. I was trying to avert Ms. Lota. She normally lurked around during lunch, and I wasn't going to take my chances on a grumbling stomach; although I was seriously reconsidering it now as my stomach released another ferocious growl. As if my troubles weren't bad enough, the period after lunch was art. It was like prolonging the inevitable. I couldn't ditch her class, cause then I'd be wandering in Riker's territory since one of his traits is ditching the final period of the day. I let out another groan and sunk into my seat.

"Are you alright Bob?" Mrs. Bridget was hovering above me, with a worried look on her face. "My god, you're as pale as a corpse!" ugh, why do people keep thinking I'm sick? If I was, I definitely wouldn't- that's it!

 I let out a sickening groan and banged my head on the desk. "Mrs. Bridget, I don't feel so well" I moaned, rubbing my stomach slowly. "I think we'd better get you to the nurse." I stood up and nodded slowly. As she carted me away to the nurse, I was subconsciously smiling evilly. By faking my sickness, I would have to remain in the nurse's office for the rest of the day. Simply brilliant! Once again another top notch plan created by yours truly. By the time the bell had rung to end lunch break, I was already warm and snug in one of the beds.

 Mrs. Bridget had told the nurse of my condition, so she told me to lay there for the time being. As I lay there with nothing but the slight humming of the fan, my thoughts attacked me once again. I avoided Ms. Lota today, but what about the other days? I couldn't do this forever. More importantly, I had created my own fight club with Riker and his thugs. Maybe if I whimper out and apologize, he might reconsider. No! I've had enough of his shit. It's time to put an end to it. I huffed defiantly in the bed and turned to face where Ms. Palmer usually sits. The school's resident nurse was standing, speaking with a beautiful woman.

  It was Ms. Lota. What the hell was she doing here?

 My body jolted from the sudden shock allowing the rusty joints of the bed's metal frame to creak loudly. Both women quickly turned around. In a panic I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

 I could hear the clacking of heels slowly approaching me, like a lion slowly creeping up on its prey. I tried relaxing my body to look like I was really asleep, but I couldn't stop squinting my eyes. Well I'm doomed. At the very least I look like I'm constipated so that might save me. A soft soothing hand rested on my left cheek. I knew it was her, I could smell her sweet perfume mixed in with her mesmerizing scent.

 "Looks like he's caught a fever, he's sweating a lot." She chimed. "I'll be the judge of that" Ms. Palmer responded, almost jokingly. She wasn't wrong about the sweating. I was so nervous I had broken into a sweaty fit. "Well, I don't think he's faking it." She went on, putting her face so close I could feel the warmth of her breath brushing against my face.

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