J͛A͛S͛O͛N͛ I

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Percy was snuggled up on the couch watching cartoons. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt, like he always does, and had a soft blanket covering the rest of his body. The TV illuminated his face, emphasizing every beautiful carved and contoured part. His eyes shone like the purest diamonds.

Gods, he looks so kissable right now. I think to myself.

"Hey." I start walking away from the kitchen, diet pepsi in hand, heading towards the couch. Percy turns to look at me.

"Hey." He responds while I sit myself down next to him. He smells like the ocean, a smell I had grown to adore. 'Tom and Jerry' was playing, and we watched silently as Tom chased Jerry down a narrow hallway. It was only when Jerry found his mouse-hole and hid away from Tom's vicious grasp did either of us make a sound.

"Jason," Percy whispered into my ear, making me shiver slightly.
"You know you're drinking liquid cancer, right?"

At first I was confused, but then I remembered the diet pepsi in my hand. I chuckle slightly.

Percy greatly disliked any diet drink. He never really explained why, but he always used the same phrase 'liquid cancer' when Jason brought it up. Given the fact that Percy's mother had passed away from stage four leukemia 8 years ago, when he was 8, Percy's hatred towards the drinks would make sense. You're basically paying money for another chance to get a life-threatening disease. But it was the only soft drink at my apartment, and I was in the mood.

"I'm sorry," I whisper back.
"It's the only drink I have."

"Why don't you drink some water?"


"Cause why?"

"Cause." I answer back, chuckling softly. Percy elbows me in the ribs, but he laughs too.

"'Cause' is not a good answer." He says.

"Okay, then I have a question." I tell him. Percy turns his head to look at me and cocks his head to the side, giving me the chance to view his sea green eyes that seemed to dance in the television light. It takes all my willpower not to kiss him right then and there.

"Why don't you want to go back home?" I ask him. He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it. He then looks back at the TV, but I could tell it was just to avoid my gaze. He's been over at my house ever since school ended, and it was 7:12 now. I keep telling him that his step-dad must be worried sick, but he just shrugs it off and tells me that he'll call Gabe later. I finally just offered to drive him home, but he quickly declined, saying that he would rather just walk back.

"Cause." He answers back. I saw what he was doing.

"I'm not going to accept 'cause' as an answer, seaweed brain." I say jokingly. Percy smiles sadly.

'Seaweed brain' is a name that I came up with for him because he was on the school swim team, and sometimes, well, he can just be an all around bumbling idiot. But that just made him all the more adorable.

Suddenly, Percy's phone vibrates. It scares me, but not as much as it did Percy. He practically fell off the couch. Under any other circumstance I might have laughed, but his face showed fear, true fear.

"Percy, are you okay?" I ask him. Percy doesn't respond, but shakily takes his phone out of his pocket. It was Gabe. This only added more to Percy's already fearful expression. He slowly put it up to his ear, but before he could even croke out a 'hello', he jerked it away, as if the booming voice that was coming out of the phone had just punched him in the face.

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