Lamb to the Slaughter

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Reading the story Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl was very surprising. There was a lot of foreshadowing and Imagery. Patrick was tired of  the routine he would go through every time he would come home. I understand they were married but sometimes a person needs their space. Mary was doing everything a wife should for him but it seemed like she never let him have time to his self. I didn't really understand what he told her it got her real upset to kill him. She played it off really well tho because she even had the men that were suppose to be investigating in the crime fooled. I feel they were to calm about it. I guess this is were the quote "Hell hath no fury like a women scorned comes from. This story is similar to the book I read Safe Haven how Erin's alcoholic husband beaten her and she got revenge. I wish  the story would of ended a little better like with her getting caught. I did like how she knew what to do to cover everything up and how she bribe them. 

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