Chapter 1: Summer In The City

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I heard the doorbell ring that summer morning. As I went to the door I looked at the clock. The boys were right on time. It was 6.30 in the morning, a time I was not enjoying being up and out of the house at in my summer holiday, but according to the guys they had to be there early. I looked in the mirror in the hallway to check that I was looking okay. I was wearing a floral skirt which went half way down my thighs, a white blouse that ties up and pale pink keds. I accessorized with little pink flower stud earrings, a gold charm bracelet and a tassel bag. I had straightened my hair and left it down. It was a gorgeous day and Ioved dressing for hot weather, it was just so much more fun wearing skirts rather than jeans. My makeup was simple: a little bit of brown eyeliner; lipgloss and some mascara. I always took great care of my skin so that I didn't need to wear foundation. I ran over to the door and opened it.

"Hey Melissa," Jack said to me, "You look great!"

"We gotta go," Finn piped in, "If we're too late on the tube we might be ambushed." I laughed at his remark.

Jack and Finn Harries had been my neighbours since forever. We had been brought up together and were great friends. That day they were taking me to Summer In The City 2013. They were always trying to get involved in their YouTube stuff but I never really knew why. I wasn't a massive YouTube fan, I watched it now and then under the twin's advice. They would tell me if someone, normally someone they knew, uploaded something funny that they thought i'd enjoy so I knew a bit about it all but i was never that bothered going any further than that. So in they're attempt to make me love YouTube they decided to bring me along to Summer In The City. To be honest I didn't really want to go. I had agreed months ago because I felt bad about not talking to them for ages when they were both away at Uni. But now I just wanted to go to the beach with my mates from school instead of being cooped up in a crowded building all day. Although I was only about half a year younger than the twins I was in two years below them school wise because I was already old for y year and then I got held back because of dyslexia. However it barely effected me now and I this meant I had just finished my last year of school. I had convinced my parents to let me take a gap year because i just really had no idea what I wanted to do. Everyone told me I should have gone off straight to University and become a doctor or a lawyer because I got good enough grades but I was just not passionate about those things. I loved art and music but didn't really know how to make a living out of those things. Anyway I had decided i was going to spend my gap year going off and doing cool things. I had spent a year saving up for trips around the world and couldn't wait to get it all organised.

We walked down to the nearest underground and got on the tube. It was fairly empty for once since it was so early and a Sunday with only a couple of people sitting seperatly. We sat down. It was a long underground ride but it was funny because the twins and I always found things to talk about even though we saw each other most days. Today the topic of conversation was me and my life. They asked how my friends that they had met before were doing and all that sort of thing. I told them about a party I had gone to the night before where I had drank too much which I regretted because I now had a headache. They sympathised. I was a reasonably sociable person. I went to parties most weekends like most of the people I knew and had been for quite a long time now. Being the oldest in your year and turning eighteen when everyone else was still sixteen meant that I got invited to all the parties because they knew I would bring alcohol. So I guess being old for your year had its perks, apart from the fact I ended up spending the most money each weekend. I was a pretty confident person too. I didn't have trouble speaking to people and could hold a conversation with someone I didn't know easily. That's something I'm pretty proud of and wouldn't give up for the world. It means anywhere I go I don't have to be alone. I guess that probably also came from being old for my year, I always felt more mature than other people so I felt there was no need to be shy. A disadvantage of being a year and a half older than the rest of my year however was that I found dating hard. Guys are so much more immature than girls and I just hated dating guys younger than me. Because of this I had only ever had one boyfriend. I started dating him when I was sixteen (the rest of my year were about fourteen) and he was seventeen and a friend of Jack and Finn. He was two years above me in school and we dated for two years until we broke it off when he went off to University. I had loved him and we had a great relationship but when the time came we both knew it was time to end it. Since then I'd made out with guys at parties and stuff and sometimes gone a bit further if I'd had a bit too much to drink but I hadn't had a relationship. I'd even kissed Jack at a party once. We were both drunk and, although I enjoyed it very much, it was just an in the moment thing. We never really spoke of it afterwards and just carried on being friends. It was never awkward, thank God, and it was like it never happened. In all honesty it was a stupid, drunken mistake anyway.

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