Chapter 2: A Busy Evening

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The club was awesome. The music was loud, the partying was hard and the atmosphere was hot. I could sense this all by just walking in. I was already buzzing to get a drink and get started.

"Lets go to the bar," I shouted over the music to Jack and Finn. I pulled them along and got served straight away even though there were tonnes of guys impatiently waiting. That was a perk of being a young girl in a nightclub, you always got served before guys. Was it sexist? Maybe, but I wasn't complaining.

I was about to pull out the money I brought that I was secretly hiding in my bra when Jack said, "Don't worry. I'm paying for this round." Once again, I wasn't complaining. I thanked him but I don't think he heard me, it was too loud in there. We had our drinks still at the bar and then took shots from Finn's vodka before he ran off to put the bottle in the cloakroom. "Wanna hit the dance floor," Jack asked, "Finn will find us, or someone else he knows."

"Yeah sure," I said, "Do you not have any Internet friends you want to see?"

"I'll catch up with them later. For now I want to dance!" he said over enthusiastically pulling me towards the dance floor. We danced like crazy. I was a bit of a lightweight so after two shots and a spirit I was already a little tipsy and really didn't care what people were thinking of me. I just danced and danced and danced. I looked up and saw Jack staring at me intensely.

"What's up with you?" I joked.

"Nothing," he said loudly over the music, "you're just so crazy and beautiful." I blushed not knowing how to respond. He made comments like that to me a lot and at first I always took them as a joke and laughed about it but the more he said the more serious they seemed to become. Jack and I had been friends forever and after the drunken kiss incident I didn't want another chance to ruin our friendship. Luckily some guy came over and broke the contrast of blaring music and silence between us.

"Hey, long time no see man." He said to Jack, "I didn't get time to see you at SITC. It was so busy this year!"

"I know right," Jack said' "Oh Marcus by the way this is Melissa." He said introducing me.

Marcus saw me and his cheeks went very rosy pink, or more so than they already were. "Nice to meet you Melissa," he said nodding his head.

"You too," I replied, "and you can call me Mel."

"Ah I love this song!" I screamed as the DJ changed to a different mix. I started breaking out into my, admittedly bad, dancing again and the two boys joined in. We danced and tried to chat over the noise as much as we could for quite a while. Marcus was really nice. He seemed sweet but tall, myself being only 5ft. 3 or something close to that - I hadn't measured myself in years since I sadly came to the conclusion that I had stopped growing - but I wasn't completely sure, and towered over me. I was kind of used to it though with Jack and Finn being pretty tall too. Plus being short means you're used to looking up to talk to people, it's a hard life for us.

A girl and a guy walked over to our group with Finn. "See I told you I would find them!" Finn exclaimed, "Mel this is Alfie and Zoe."

"Hey," I said smiling.

They seemed really nice but our conversation was short, "We're going to head off now," Alfie said.

"Yeah I'm worried about being here too long in case I have a panic attack and I wouldn't want to ruin the night for you guys," Zoe said. We said our goodbyes and they walked away out into the night.

"So are they, like, together?" I asked once they were gone.

"No they're not," Marcus told me, "but they should be and everyone agrees."

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