Chapter 3: Three Nights In A Row?

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I got up quickly and read the text from Dan. It said:

'Hey Mel, it's Dan here. It was great meeting you yesterday. My friend is having a get together tonight at his place and he said I could bring someone. Do you wanna come? He's normally a blast so it should be good :)'

Aww that was so sweet of him to think of me. I obviously wanted to go and I was about to reply back saying it would be great but then I realised something. PJ had invited me to his tonight. I was annoyed then, I hated having to make decisions and picking between PJ and Dan would be hard. I decided the best thing to do would to go to PJ's because I had already said the night before that I would. I checked my hand to see if his number was still there. Luckily it hadn't rubbed off in the night. I texted PJ saying it was from me and asking if we were still on for tonight. I got a test back nearly straight away. It said:

'Yeah I'd sill love it if you would come to my humble abode!'

He went on to tell me his address.

'Sounds awesome! :)' I replied

I quickly texted Dan saying that I was sorry but I'd made previous plans. He didn't reply but I decided he must of been away from his phone. I got a text back from PJ though, it read:

'Yeah, it should be good. Some of my best mates are coming so that'll be cool. Some of them are youtubers too. Maybe you met some of them last night x'

AHHHH he put a kiss at the end! I was so excited in that moment. I don't normally get phased over boys but I couldn't stop picturing his beautiful eyes.

'Haha, maybe I did. I met quite a couple of people so I actually could've! Who is going? I probably won't know them but maybe x'

Straight away he replied back, 'Okay well the people who were there last night are Chris Kendall, Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Then my roomates are coming too, but obviously since it's at our house! That's everyone who's coming x'

Oh my God so THAT was the get together Dan was talking about! I was so happy! It was good that I knew Dan as well as PJ and I think I met Phil breifly the night before - although my memory waried. I didn't think I had met Chris. 

'Haha I actually did meet Dan and Phil last night! Funny that. What time should I be there for?x'

'Really?! That's great, you'll know more people! Be there for 8?x' He replied.

'Cool, see you then x' I told him.

I went and ate my breakfast and whilst I was eating my scrambled eggs my phone beeped. I looked at the screen and saw that Dan had finally replied. He said:

'Oh, okay. That's fine. Maybe see you some other time?' 

Aww he actually seemed pretty upset. I quickly replied:

'Turns out I'll actually see you there! It is PJ's you're going to right? He asked me to go last night. Funny how things turn out right?!'

'Awesome. I'll see you there I guess' He replied.

I finished my breakfast and went to get changed into jeans and a top and I put on a little makeup. My Mum and Dad were already at work so when the doorbell rang I went to get it hoping it would just be a delivery or something. I opened up the door to see my gorgeous neighbours.

"Hey Mel!" Finn said giving me a hug.

"Hey guys," I said wearily, "What are you doing here?" How were they so perky. I didn't have an extreemly bad hangover but it was still giving me a pretty bad headache.

"Sorry for just bursting in but...well what's the point of calling when you live next door?!" Jack said coming into the house and sitting down on the sofa in the living room. They could make themselves at home in my house as easily as I could at theirs. We'd basically grown up sharing our houses!

I sat down next to Jack and Finn came and sat next to me. He turned on the TV.

"Finn! That's not why we're here," Jack said.

"Sorry, sorry. Force of habit!" He said turning it off. I was just laughing at their little argument.

"Anyway Mel we're thinking of inviting some YouTuber friends round tonight for a little party. Do you want to come?" Jack asked.

"You guys really are desperate to get me into YouTube!" I laughed, "Anyway I'm sorry I can't. I already have plans."

"What you doing?" Finn asked sounding very worried.

"Oh well PJ, d'you know PJ? He invited me round to his and some other guys will be going too."

"Oh..." The twins said in unison.

"Well we can have the party tomorrow night instead!" Finn excalaimed, "We don't get to hang out that much anymore!" Finn said putting his arm around me.

I put my head on his shoulder jokily and said, "I know, I know but thats three nights in a row for me." The both looked at me with puppy dog eyes. AH I couldn't resist those eyes! "Fine, fine. Tomorrow night it is!"  I told them.

"Yes!" Jack said standing up, "We've got to go and make an invite list now. Come on Finn,"

"Wow you guys take your parties very seriosuly."

"Of course we do. It'll be epic, see you soon Mel!" Finn said waking out the door. Those boys were crazy but so much fun to be around.

I was kind of hoping that the get together at PJ's that night wouldn't involve too much alcohol because I knew the twins' would and three nights in a row would be a bit much for me! I looked at the clock and saw it was only 12. I slumped down on the sofa and watched a bit of TV.

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