Part 3: stage acting

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"Dad what the heck!" I yelled.
"If you wanted to speak in private why are you talking.*he raises his voice* SO LOUD!" He says then yells.
"DAD MOM IS MY PARTNER! NOT-NOT-LUKE!" I yelled and made a face when I said Luke.
"YOUR MOM IS DEAD!" He yelled. I was red and he looked like he regretted it. I nodded. Then went past him.
I was in the living room. Where Luke was.
"JESSICA!" My dad yelled trying to talk sense into me.
I turned around. He put his hands on my arms trying to grab me and hug me.
"Jess." He said.
I stopped and looked him in the eye.
"I'm leaving. I'm leaving this house and you." I said. Saying each word slowly.
"You can't leave!" My dad said.
"You have to take care of me!" My dad yelled.
"I-dad I am old enough to leave on my own."
He nodded. He gave me my keys and my home pass. Which I used to have a home until my dad thought that I could die any moment so he made me live in his house. I went upstairs packed my stuff and went to the door. Turned around and looked at dad and went. I heard my dad yell.
Luke came out seconds later. He ran to me.
"So, how are you." I smiled.
"Swell." He said.
He wasn't the worst thing.
"You really hate me don't you." He said and sighed.
"No, I staged it. I jus hate living with my dad. You-your ok." I said.
"Your a good act. It's good your a spy." He said.
"Thanks Luke." I said while getting in my car. He stood there.
"Are you coming with me?" I asked.
He shook his head then got in the car.
"So where do you live." I asked.
"Nowhere. My mom she, kicked me out." I raised my eyebrows.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"Well I suppose you should live in your moms house. You look about 23." I said.
"How old are you?"
He nodded.
"I have know where to live."
"You can live with me."

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