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"Jayce!" I yell, running after him. "Wait up!"

He turns. "Yeah?"

"Give this to Mr. Kensworth, please. I need to get down to the cafeteria," I say as I hand him an orange folder.

"Sure thing, Ember," he smiles, taking the folder.

"Thanks!" I say, and head towards the cafeteria. I have to meet my friends there.

I'm really counting on Jayce here. That folder holds all of my precious drawings and paintings that I've worked so hard on. It's the end of the school year, and this is our Art class final. Mr. Kensworth, the teacher, gave us a list of what to do, and we all took it from there.

Using the techniques we have discussed in class this past year, create the following:

1. Painting of fruit

2. Drawing of any form of weather

3. Drawing of still life

4. Painting of an animal

5. Drawing of a person

Please attach a description of each piece to the inside of your portfolio.

Also, critique the following piece:

There was a painting that looked quite Picasso-like copied to the bottom of the page. Is this a Picasso? I remember myself wondering. How can I critique a Picasso? It had me puzzled. I didn't want to say anything too critical. I just didn't see why people loved his paintings so much. Well, to each his own, my mother would say.

It was clear what techniques Mr. Kensworth wanted us to use. For the first one, texture. Then shading, more shading, more texture. For the person, I think he wanted us to portray a certain side of a person. This is the one that I have the most trouble on. I cannot draw a face. I mean, I can, but I'm never satisfied with the nose, eyes, or mouth. All of my people pictures always come out looking like they're about to sneeze.

I sit down next to Harper and Alana. Harper is considerably shorter than me. She has pale skin and straight brown hair. She is wearing a One Direction shirt, white jeans, and green TOMs. She smiles all the time and always knows how to make me laugh. Alana has long black hair and darker toned skin. She gives the best advice I know, and is really smart. She has pink, almost purple glasses, and is wearing light blue jeans and a gray shirt and sneakers. and is shy and quiet at first, but she is a great friend.

"Hey Em! Where have you been?" Harper asks enthusiastically waving her hand.

"Upstairs. I had to give my portfolio to Jayce so that he could hand it in to Mr. Kensworth. So I could come down here and be with you guys." I grin. I technically don't have to be here right now. I have a break between Art and Chemistry. I guess I should be studying, but who cares? I have a 94 in that class.

"Ha-ha, very funny," Alana says. "Ember, you know you'd rather be with us!"

"You're probably right," I say.

Harper changes the subject. "So you said you gave your portfolio to Jayce, hmm?"

I know what she's getting at. "Yes, because we're in the same class."

"Oh really? You sure that's not all?" she asks with a little giggle.

"Yep," I say. Jayce is my friend, and nothing more.

All that does is provoke Harper to try a different approach. "I'm Ember, I'm a sophomore here at Whitefield High School, and there's this one guy Jayce... He's in my art class and he's a junior, and even though I don't want to admit it, I totally love him. He's so sweet and cute and funny and-"

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