Chapter Seven

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Niall had me sit down while he went to get some iced coffee and chocolate chip muffins. He came back carrying them. He handed me my food and drink.

"Here you go." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Yep." He said and sat down. "So, tell me about your self."

He said as he took a bite of his muffin.

I started to pick mine apart and placed it in my mouth.

"Well, I have a brother named Aiden, he is 15. I am related to Nathan Sykes of 'The Wanted.' I am 18. Music is practically my life, yet I havent heard much of your band 'One Direction.' I am from here, in London, England. I have been living here since I was 8 and before I lived here, I lived in New Jersey, in America. And thats why I have an American accent. And I guess that pretty much covers it.." I ended with a simle.

"Ok. Well," Niall started, "I am 19. I am in the Band 'One Direction.' Our band doesnt particularly like 'The Wanted.' I have been in love with music and especially singing since I was young. My mom's name is Maura, my Stepdad's name is Chris and my dad's name is Bobby. Once, when I was a bit younger, I was singing in the car and my mom thought it was the radio. I am from Mullingar, Ireland. And I think that's it.." He said smiling, looking into my eyes.

"Wait. Your mom thought you were the radio?! That's so weird." I said gigling.

"Yeah. It was crazy." He said with his deep Irish accent.

We sat there talking for about 45 minutes and we both really got to know each other and bonded. I never realized a guy could be so sweet!

I started laughing as I asked "Are you serious?! You were attacked by a bird?! Hahaha!!"

"Yes! It may sound funny, but it was still scary!" I said, trying to be serious but still laughing.

All of the sudden my phone started to ring. "Oh. Excuse me." I said as I left the table to go outside and answer the phone.

I looked at the caller ID it read "Nathan." Oh God. Here we go.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered.

"Autumn? Hey. I was just wondering. What time will you be back?" He asked trying to sound innocent. Not today Nathan.

"I dont know. Probably around 8:00 - 8:10? Why?"

"Just wondering. Anyway I-"

"Goodbye, Nathan." I said as I cut him off and ended the call.

I walked back inside and sat back down at the table were Niall was patiently waiting.

"Sorry. That was Nathan being a complete idiot."

"No problem." He said as he chuckled.

Time kept passing as we were getting to know each other.

Soon Niall checked his watch. "It's 8:00. Want me to take you home?"

"Sure. I'd love that." I said as I smiled. We Stood from the table and headed outside to his car. He opened the door for me as I got in.

"Right this way, ma'lady." He said as he chuckled.

"Thank you." I said as I giggled.

He shut my door and walked around the front of the car as I buckled my seat belt. He opened the door and sat down, shut the door, buckled up, and started the car. The car ride was quite silent since I only lived a few minutes away.

We pulled into my driveway and we both got out of the car and he walked me to my door.

As we got to my door, we both stopped and looked at each other for a few seconds. I was the first to speak.

"I had a great time." I smiled.

"I did, too." He said. "I hope to hang out again sometime."

Soon, we found ourselves leaning in. as our faces were a few inches away, the door flew open, sending both Niall and I back about three feet. I look over, and its Nathan, Tom, Jay, Max, and Siva all standing in the door way. Great.

"Hey, Autumn! You're back!" They said like Niall wasn't even there.

"Well, uhm.. I'm gonna go. Bye Autumn. Bye.. guys" He said as he started to leave. He looked a little upset. And I know why.

"Bye, Niall." I said giving him a hug and the boys a death stare.

I watched as he got into his car and drove off.

I wallked into the house as calm as I could and turned towards the boys.

I tried to speak calmly. "I'm not going to yell at you down here so meet me in Tom's room upstairs. Now." I said pretty calm but with a definite hint of attitude. The boys had no words and were racing to get upstairs in a split second.

I calmed my self down a little more and headed upstairs to Tom's room.

I walked in, shut the door behind me, and spoke. "What the hell?! What is wrong with you guys?!" I shouted.

"We just dont trust the One Direction guys!" Tom spoke.

"What is the whole damn fued about anyway?!" I hollered.

"Well, Louis, Liam, Max and I got into a Twitter fight with them.." Tom said as his tone got lower and he looked to the ground.

"That's so stupid. And Nathan I thought you and Niall were closer than the other boys!"

"I am."

"Then why dont you trust him?!"

"I just don't, ok?! I don't want him to hurt my little cousin!" Nathan began to shout aswell.

"Why don't you just give him a chance!? Maybe he could prove you wrong." I said lowering my voice, I don't know why but,tear started to swell in my eyes. I felt them ready to drop.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry. I didnt mean to yell at you." Nathan said calming down and engulfing me in a hug. My hands covered my face so I wasn't exactly hugging him back.

"No. It's not that you yelled at me." I said and I sat down on a chair. "I honestly have no idea as to why I'm crying." The boys all looked at me sympathetically. "I think I really like him. Can you please, just try to give him a chance? For me?" I said, looking at just Nathan.

"Yes. No matter how bad i don't want him to hurt you. I will give him a chance." He said as he squatted down next to me.

"Thank you." I said as I gave him a hug. Obviously, if you hadn't figured it out yet, we hug a lot in the family. And I mean a lot.

I look at the boys that are sitting on Jay's bed. "That goes for you guys, too. Can you please give him a chance? Please?" I said with puppy dog eyes.

They all sighed as if they really didn't want to but also agreed to try.

"Yay!" I said as I ran over to them to give them a huge hug.

"Group hug!!" Siva shouted out as we all jumped in and embraced each other tightly. I was in the dead center of the hug, of course. I always am.

"Guys.. I can't breathe. And I'm claustrophobic!" I told them.

They all stopped the embrace and and apologized and they stated different sayings like 'Oh, yeah.' and 'I forgot.'

I just rolled my eyes and laughed at them.

"So.. wanna play some Xbox?" Max asked. We all shouted 'Yeah!' and Jay turned on the console and we began to play MarioKart.

A/N: So so so so so sorry I havent updated. I have been terribly busy with Graduation practice and I am supposed to read at the ceremony for it and yeah. My cousin, yeah that's right Montanna(tannag), I'm talking about you, is like obsessed with this story and has been pressuring me to update so I tried to manuver some time to write and.. here it is. Hope you enjoy! Please comment, share, vote, like or whatever. Mkay, bye. :D

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