Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: I know you guys actually don't care but I'm putting in different POV's wether you like it or not :P

"Wow, Aunt Karen. It's seriously been God knows how long since we've seen each other. How are you?" I asked, starting the conversation.

"Oh, Autumn, I know it has been forever! And I am doing absolutely fine. How about yourself?" The conversation continued..


Scott's POV

Now, don't get me wrong here. I'm happy that Autumn has found love, but I really like her, too. I had developed a crush on her ever since I was eleven years old. And now I'm freaking nineteen. I know what your thinking. Who have you not told her yet?! I ask myself the same question all the freaking time. Anyway, I have always been a year older than her. And I love basically everything about her. Her hair, her laugh, her eyes, and she has the best damn personality I've ever seen fit with such a perfect girl.

"Scott? Helloooo??" I was taken out of my trance by Nathan's hand being woven in front of my face.

"Huh?" I said being snapped out of my daydream.

"Whatcha thinkin' 'bout, mate?" Siva asked me.

"I dunno, to be honest with ya, man."

"You still like her don't you." Nathan teased. He probably noticed I was staring at her. Hell, I didn't even realize I was. Nathan was one of the few people that knew I had a huge crush on Autumn. Other than Aria, of course.

I could feel the heat leave my face as the blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Mate, trust me. I'd munch rather see her date you over that guy any day." Nathan assured me.

I just gave him a small smile. "Ya know, I've tried dating other girls. Trying to get her out of my mind. But I always end up thinking about her." I admitted.

"Wait.. who?" Jay asked, oblivious to what was happening. We just ignored him.

"Haven't you ever told her? I could tell her for ya." Nathan suggested, seeming like he was about to get up.

"No!" I said nearly jumping out of my seat. "She can't know. Especially now. It's too late." 

"Whoooo?" Jay cried out. Again we ignored him.

"Why not? And I'm sure it's not too late." Nathan asked.

"How could it not be? I've had a crush on her for eight years; because of some stupid fight, we stopped talking for one and a half; and she has a boyfriend. I'm telling you it's too late to tell her!"

"What do you mean you stopped talking for a year and a half?"

I sighed. "Aria and I dated for about a month, before she knew I liked her, and she and I got into a.. um.. dispute. Aria, being super close with Aut, went to her and cried and explained the fight. Autumn confronted me about it and next thing you know, the fight blew up, and we ended up not talking to each other for about a year and a half. I didn't think we'd stop talking for that long. But after that we all decided to 'forgive and forget' and now we're best friends again." I explained.

By now, the guys were all caught up on what was happening, except Jay, who, still seemed lost.

"Ok.. so.. you still have feelings for Aria? Is that it?" Jay asked.

"No, you idiot," Max said hitting Jay in the arm. "He likes Autumn."

"Ohh. But there's no need to hit me."

"Whatever. But dude, you gotta tell her at some point." Nathan said a bit sternly.

"I will." I sais unsure if I really would.

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