Chapter 6

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Alex POV:

A few minutes after Lisa told me she was going to come over. After some time, Sam came downstairs, and asked Jack if she could go hang out with some friends. Of course, Jack said yes and with that she left.

After a few hours. Lisa and I decided to go and get Starbucks. When we were in line, I saw a head of white hair talking and flirting with one of the guys working there. When she turned around, I saw is was Sam, we made eye contact and with that, she walked out of the place.

When Lisa and I got back, we went and watched movies with Jack and Zach. Rian went to go visit his girlfriend.

After a little while Sam comes down the stairs looking absolutely stunning. We hear the door bell ring and Jack goes to answer it. There is a boy there asking for Sam. When she see's him she says hello. Jack gave him the "talk" and they are off.
A few house later, we hear the front door open and Sam with her shoes in her hands, her hair a kinda messy and a huge smile on her face. We all think Sam and Trey had sex, but she explained what happened to jack when he took her outside to talk. I really want to know what happened but not seem nosy...

Around 11:00, Lisa and I go up stairs to go to bed, when we pass Sam's room we hear music and talking. I go in to see Sam and some guy sitting on her floor talk and doing what other kids these days do. Sam introduced her friend Kyle and I, Lisa and I both seem to think something was going on before we walked in... But we don't know.

Anyway, Lisa and I go to bed, but I can't get Sam off my mind...


Please tell me what you think so far... And have a nice day!

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