Chapter 7

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Sam POV:

I heard the door bell ring, that must be Trey.

When Trey and I leave the house we to dinner at some restaurant that I forgot the name of... When we are at dinner we talk about nothing and anything.

After dinner, we walk around and go to the park. When we get there, as soon as I see a swing set, I run over so fast and start swinging.

"Come on Trey, don't be so slow!"

"Geez, are you positive you are 15? You have the energy of a 5 year old!" Trey Chuckled.

"I'm this many!" I smile while holding up six fingers

"Why are so adorable?"

"I don't know, I just am I guess?"

We start to swing on the swings, then I got the best Idea from when I was younger, you swing as high as you can and then jump off. Stupid but fun. My kinda fun! When I jump I miss my land and ended up rolling down the hill that was in front of the park. Trey freaks out and goes to see if I'm okay but he finds me rolling on the ground laughing my ass off.

When I say myself in the reflection of is car window I almost had a heart attach! My hair was everywhere and it had leaves in it! Well so did Treys...

When I walked into the house I said hello to everyone and they just kinda stared back like I did something wrong. Jack took me outside to talk about what happened on the date and he understood why I looked like that. He thought Trey and I had sex... Well, that was a fun conversation.

After talking to Jack, I go upstairs and call my friend Kyle, he starts asking a bunch of questions... He ended up coming over and coming in through my window.

After talking a what felt like hours, Alex and Lisa busted in through the door like they were cops on a drug bust. They just kinda looked around suspiciously.

"Ummm, hello?"

"Hey Sam, we just wanted to say good night"

"Well, goodnight?"

They just kinda creped out of the room.

After that around 3 in the morning, Kyle left and I couldn't fall asleep, so I just watched Netflix and YouTube.


Sorry for not updating a lot. Please let me known if you like this chapter and like this whole thing so far.

Have a nice day!

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