the signs go to hell

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Aries: jumps in magma pool "home sweet home"
Taurus: eating souls of the damned
Gemini: cautiously walking around, accidentally falls into pit of magna
Cancer: went to heaven, they too innocent to go to hell
Leo: forms a plan to overthrow satan and become king of hell
Virgo: scoffs at how dirty hell is, dusts the literal entire place
Libra: takes a selfie with satan
Scorpio: wrestles with Aries in magma pool
Sagittarius: knocks over jars of souls, releases tons of evil demons to the surface world "whoops"
Capricorn: looks around for a few minutes "can I go home"
Aquarius: laughs at the suffering people because they're heartless as fuck
Pisces: walks into hell for one second, "NOPE", runs away screaming

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