Aries: leader, brazen, creative, original, youthful, passionate - An Arian witch is very similar to their element, Fire: they are quick, driven and uncontrollable. They are leaders and often bring together witches to take the place of their leader. Arians initiate, they create, they are the ember. Creation is their art. The art of manifestation comes naturally to them. But, like Fire, so does destruction. They have the tendency to rush and use brute force rather than finesse in their spells. Tangible spells are more comfortable to them.
Taurus: faithful, steady, earth, healing, growth, natural, balanced - Taurean witches are strong and independent. They keep very detailed records and notes in their Book of Spells. They work with the earth and plants, taking advantage of the nature surrounding them. They know what plants are safe to eat and how to use them not only in magic but in medicine. They make potions and tinctures, this is their art. They speak with the spirits of the forest; the nymphs and fae are their guides. Their craft is highly physical, much like the other Earth Signs.
Gemini: bold, adaptable, fringe, logical, united, chaotic, innovative - Gemini witches work in covens or, at the very least, find partners to work with. Despite this, they march to the beat of their own drum. They make their own spells and have books upon books full of them. Sigils decorate their bodies, from head to toe. Their craft is focused on verbal incantations and movement. Meditation and astral projection are employed regularly and thus mastered by these witches.
Cancer: peaceful, gentle, natural, growth, matriarchal, united - Cancerian witches work with the Moon, the planet which rules their Sign. They know when to cast their spells to take advantage of the strength of each lunar phase and its associations, bathing in the light of the Moon as they murmur incantations and often worshiping goddesses of the Moon such as Selene and Artemis. They use their Element, Water, in most of their spells. They make healing Moon water to anoint and cleanse their tools and draw their Circle when casting.
Leo: forceful, leader, united, independent, bright, courageous - Leo witches work with fire in their craft. They write their spells to burn them along with incense and herbs, releasing the energy into the universe. These withes are social, they practice in covens or small groups, often acting as the leader. Leo witches practice very active, offensive magic and usually have very few defenses. Their energy is very open and raw.
Virgo: natural, dedicated, growth, healing, peaceful, united, steadfast - Virgoan witches are peaceful and focused on nature. They gather what they need for their craft from the forests and nature that surrounds them. Their craft focuses on healing, growth and defense. Virgos are natural born healers who take it upon themselves to care for the earth, animals and their fellow man. They typically employ physical magic yet they are masters of manipulating energy in order to heal. Herbs and crystals are their favorite tools as well as gifts from nature such as feathers and bones they come across in the forest.
Libra: peaceful, humanitarian, cool, balanced, logical, devoted - Libran witches practice magic involving the Element Air, facing the East as they cast spells and calling upon the winds. They focus on energy in their magic, what cannot be seen rather than physical spells. They work with the manipulation of the energy within themselves and in the air. Librans are highly social, they seek out covens and other witches to work with and take on the role of mediator within the group.
Scorpio: deep, psychic, chaotic, fringe, loyal, focused, independent - Scorpio witches are in touch with their psychic abilities and often incorporate them in their craft, using pendulums and tarot cards. They work with Water, using it as a base for their spells and as a key tool in rituals. Scorpio witches must focus on defense due to their intrinsic psychic abilities which make them susceptible to attack. Yet as the Scorpion, they certainly know how to bite back.
Sagittarius: bold, fringe, passionate, faithful, united, eclectic, adaptable - Sagittarian witches are bold and curious: they are always eager to learn more and explore their craft. They often practice obscure crafts and teach themselves dead languages such as Latin to utilize. They seek out teachers from all walks of life in order to learn as much as they can. They are very laid back and don't worry about defense or offense and practice a balance between physical magic and energy work.
Capricorn: logical, precise, measured, faithful, devoted, natural - A Capricornian witch focuses on the power of Earth. They grow herbs and collect stones. They speak to the animals and plants. They feel the pulse of life within the trees and beneath their feet. They do not waste, they do not rush, they do not do anything unprepared. They are respectful. They focus more on defense and protection in their art. They use sigils, jars and other tangible spells.
Aquarius: wild, passionate, bold, humanitarian, chaotic, eclectic - Aquarian witches march to the beat of their own drum. They typically work alone but will interact with other witches often. They employ many different methods in their craft and explore all paths. But they always connect with the Air, calling upon it to strengthen themselves and their spells. Birds speak to them and Aquarian witches are often left feathers. They often employ incantations more than any other method.
Pisces: peaceful, wild, humanitarian, deep, strange, unique - Piscean witches are in touch with their element Water. They use it in their art to scry, purify and sanctify their tools. Collecting rain water and cleansing it beneath the light of the full Moon, which they revolve their craft around. Pisceans often work with many methods of divination: scrying using both water and crystal balls, pendulums and divining rods. Often they make potions and spell bottles. They focus on healing, growth and defense.
Another Zodiac
عشوائيjust zodiac horoscopes... because why not. Scenarios and more!! <3