Chapter 8

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I turned around to see the girl who was in the picture. Rachel. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth.

"Hello Rachel." I spitted out.

"Hey, whats your name, hmm, is it, Lia? Pia? Tia?" She said confidently.

"Mia. AKA Chandler's One And Only." I said snottily. I don't usually talk like this but I was pretty angry.

"I'm just gonna go.." Chandler said. He started to head out the door when Rachel grabbed his arm.

"Wait, your dating her? What about last week?" Rachel asked Chandler.

"What happened last week?" I asked.

"Last week Chandler kissed me when we were at lunch." Rachel told me.

"Is this true?" I asked Chandler, my eyes filling with water.

Chandler nodded and looked at the floor.

"We're through." I snapped at him, tears falling down my face.

"Wait!" Chandler yelled, chasing after me.

I ignored him. I walked home, crying the whole way.

Rachel: 1

Mia: 0

I went home and cried into my pillow, my phone buzzing every 2 seconds. Calls and Texts from Chandler. After a few hours of sitting around, I checked Instagram. New pictures of Chandler and Rachel with the captions- "6.3.13 Together forever."

So they're dating now. I turned around again and screamed and cried some more. I realized tomorrow was my birthday. Some birthday present...

The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs and opened the door. Kiara stood there with her iPhone out, showing me a picture of Rachel and Chandler.

"I saw the pictures and came over as soon as I could" She said hugging me.

"We broke up" I choked out and plopped on the couch.

Kiara walked into the kitchen and pulled out 2 cartons of ice cream.

"Dig in." She said.

"I have an idea" Kiara said.

I nodded my head, showing I was listening.

"We should go to see a movie or go to the mall to forget about this." She said.

"Yes! Mall trip!" I exclaimed.

I went upstairs to grab some money and I texted my mom.

Kiara and I got to the mall and went into Forever 21. When we got in there, we saw Rachel and Chandler in them.

Chandler was buying her clothes.

He never bought me clothes.

"Just ignore them" Kiara said.

I nodded and went to look at some shirts and skirts.

"Hey" I heard someone say.

I turned around to see Chandler.

"Hi" I said, turning away from him.

"We can still be friends, ya know." He said.

I nodded and walked away.

"Let's go somewhere else" I told Kiara.

We went into Claire's and tried on sunglasses and we laughed and had the best time. Then we decided to go get cupcakes at "Buttercup Cupcakes"

We walked in and saw Chandler and Rachel sharing a cupcake.

"Hey" Rachel said snottily

"Hi" I replied, trying to be nice.

Chandler left to go to the bathroom

"Look you little buttface, STAY AWAY FROM US. NO ONE LIKES YOU. GO. SHOO. BYE BYE. CHANDLER H A T E S YOU." Rachel yelled at me.

I stood there, stunned. I had tried to be nice.

This is what I get.

"fine" I said quietly.

I couldn't believe it.

Shes a brat.

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