Chapter 3

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Steve clapping his hands together asking very nervously, "Well ok then you wanna go now or later?" Salem picked up her coach purse smiling at him she said, "We could go now if you would like." "Ok." Steve held out his arm for Salem to grab a hold of but she refused "I have to get ready before we go all I have to do is put on my red dress, high heels, and do my makeup it won't take me but twenty minutes or less." "Ok that's no problem i'll wait right here." Steve sat down when Salem walked out of the room and pulled out a white silk handkerchief and wiped his face and took in a deep breath and exhaled out. Twiddling his fingers around he reached for the ps3 remote and put in Grand Theft Auto 5 and played it for about ten minutes "I'm ready Steve let's go." Salem wrapped her hands around Steve's arms staring up at him smiling she saw him holding a door to a fancy restaurant named Le Bistro Mericourt is smelled so good live classical music, chandeliers, candles and flower vases at each table it was as she ever imagined her first date "Steve did you do this all for me?" "Ya sorta..." A tall frenchman came and kissed Salem on both cheeks and had the most amazing voice. Ah Salem bonjour donc clairière que vous et votre date pourriez le faire sur cette romantique amende evining voulez-vous un des bâtonnets de pain" Salem hugged him tight, "Oh salut luise i aime ce que vous avez fait avec le lieu." The frenchman showed the couple to their seats and gave them some breadsticks. "I'll be back with the strawberry wine and for your appetizer it's very delicious but it'll take about thirty minutes." The waiter walked off Steve looked up at Salem the beautiful smiling girl that he'd only meet when they were both nineteen and that she was holding a gun up at him ready to shoot but she didn't "Earth to Steve you awake?" "Ya I am but Salem I have to ask you a question..." Salem sat up straight ready to listen to what he had to say and put her hand on the table. Steve put his hand in his pocket and pulled a small box out, and stood up. "Salem...close your eye's I have a gift for you." Salem closed her eye's and Steve walked over toward her and got on one knee "Salem. You can open your eye's now." She opened her eye and saw Steve pull out a diamond engagement ring kneeling down on one knee he was grinning trying to stay cool,

"Salem would you do me the honor of being Mrs. Salem Burnside and taking my hand in marriage? Staying together forever till the day we die? I love you Salem with the bottom of my heart, I've always had loved you ever since i've ever laid my eye's on you. So will you marry me?" Salem put her hands over her mouth and burst into tears, "Oh yes Steve I will marry you, I've always loved you too!"

* * *

"Why won't Salem answer the phone my friend?" a muffled man voice cracked in the musty air through the "Well her daughter just died and is being recreated and she's going to get married here soon, and she told me to call you because she lost her phone and wants you to be her bridesmaid." "She does! Awe I can't believe my little sister is getting married before me, I wonder what his name is?" "It's Steve... Steve Burnside. And he is very eager to meet you Claire." "Ok i'll be there in three days."

* * *

"Salem With this ring I give you my heart, I promise from this day forward, you shall not walk alone, may my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home. I promise to love you without condition to honor you each and every day, to laugh with you when you're happy, to support you when you're sad to guide you when you ask for direction, to challenge you to be a better person, and allow you to do the same for me, to be your biggest fan and your ever present listening audience. "

"I take you Steve to have and to hold, from this day forward; for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do part I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when i'm with you. Only a deep and abiding love can withstand the titles of change. I love you Steve."

"Steve you may now kiss the bride."

Steve was fixing his tie and suit and looked up and grinned at Salem, but She had jumped into his arms hugging him giving his a big kiss on the lips. Salem let go of Steve about ten seconds later and turned around. "Ok ladies who wants to catch the bouquet of flowers?!" The who crowed of single girls screamed, Salem's sister went down in the cheering crowd and sat down in a chair close to the front. "Ok there's only two rules no fighting over it and to have fun?" Salem chunked it over her shoulder hard as she could and turned back around and there it was.. it had landed right in her sister Claire's lap.

"Oh my God I wasn't even trying to catch it, it just landed in my lap. I'm not all into the kissy, huggy, I love you and would never leave your side stuff. Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes it's just another way to bleed. In my opinion love cannot be found it doesn't breath, it isn't an object, therefore it does not exist nor will it ever. And I hate romantic movies because I know that none of that stuff is true. And honestly I think that maybe I was designed to be alone. Because the last time I dated someone all he did was beat me till I bleed out my face, choke me, and drown me. I'm just over love because I know that I would get abused again. And why are yall getting married during the zombie apocalypse?!"

"Claire i'm sorry I didn't know..." "Salem just be quiet i'm going home back to Montana."

Claire walked out of the room holding onto the bouquet of flowers that she caught and got on to her private jet. And left. When Salem turned around to see why she heard a window breaking... and saw large groups of zombies piling in. She turned to her left and saw one tackle a woman holding a infant child, she was screaming help until the zombie bit her arm, and ate the child. Salem was just staring out into space wasn't even paying any attention to Steve calling her name.

"Salem! Salem! Salem come on we have to go now before they get us! Come on the air pilot ain't gonna wait for us forever!" Steve ran up to Salem and threw her over his shoulder and ran the the small plane...

"Come we have to go!"

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