Chapter 4 - The Other Guy

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Last night, Astrid had the exact  same dream as last night. Except,  the images were more vivid. More scary. More real.

Astrid did her normal routine until she got to school, where she waited to meet Jack.
" I heard there was gonna be some new dude in school today," Jack exclaimed with his hands shoved in his pocket, as they walked down the school hall.
" Wow. That's strange. It pretty much almost the end of the year. Why would someone come so late... Why would the teachers even let that happen?"Astrid replied giving a look she always made when she was really deep in thought.
" I dunno. Maybe they're, like, super weird," Jack replied.

They made their way to class and sat on their desks. The teacher was explaining something about complex sentences, when there was knock at the door.

A very good looking boy walked in wearing a hat with deep chocolate brown hair sticking out of the end over this eye. His ear was pierced with a silver loop earring with piercing blue eyes. He wore at t-shirt with a very shady waistcoat and black skinny jeans with ankle boots. There was a very strange type of chain dangling from his pocket hidden somewhere underneath his shirt.

Astrid's face felt a little hot as she stared at the  mysterious new boy. He looked...different.

"Oh. Hello. You must be the new man. How are you. Why don't you tell us about yourself." the teacher asked
" Whatever. First of all my name's Dillan. Second of all, I came here cause I had to. So...yeah." Astrid, who was blushing, sat straight up and look away as Dillan was looking straight at her with a hint of a smile.

" Why don't you find somewhere to sit, I'll carry on with the lesson. Soon you will feel right at home in here because I'm sure everybody will appreciate your turn up to St.Woodsburg. Now as I was say complex...blah...blah...blah..."

Astrid couldn't pay attention to a single word the teacher was saying because Dillan sat himself down right beside her, when he could've just sat at beside the most prettiest and the most popular girl in school. She could feel a very weird sensation in her chest as her heart beat was becoming faster and faster. She felt a little scared. What the hell is happening to me?

Jake looked like he would pounce on Dillan any second and throw him out the window.

Astrid's daydreams were cut out by the bell, and as fast as she could say the alphabet, Jake jumped up and dragged her outside the classroom.
"Hey. What did you do that for?" Astrid moaned.
" I don't like that Dillan guy," he said in a shady voice.
" Oh come on how bad can he be. You probably just jealous that he's more good looking than you," she said fiddling with the ends of her shirt.
" Excuse me, but nobody can have better looks than this. He's probably a snobby,self-centered, rude, un mannered, ugly..."
Jack kept on listing stuff about Dillan while Astrid made a very nervous look by curling her lips in and staring daggers at Jake.
" Excuse me, but I need to get to the place you people normally go to to do your....stuff," said Dillan from behind Jack.
" BANNANAS," Jack yelled once he realized why Astrid was giving him a look.
"Yeah sure it's just down the hall thought that door on the left," Astrid directed Dillan while her heart rate unusually beating more faster that it did after her PE lessons.
"Umm...just to say I'm not very good with directions..." Dillan said kicking the floor and staring up to the roof.

" I could bring you there," she said back with a smile.
" Ok..." Jack was staring daggers at Dillan.
" Can you excuse us for a sec," Jack said with a forced smile as she dragged Astrid, for the second time today, into the corner.
" What the hell do you think your doing?!" She whisper-shouted.
"Trying to save you from a disaster in the making!" Jack replied, scowling towards Dillan's direction.
"Your acting very weird Jack," she said raising an eyebrow towards him.
"I just don't trust him... he seems... dark."
"Of course he does, dummy, he's wearing dark clothes!"She snarled at Jack." How about I quickly bring him to where he wants and I'll meet you back here in 5 minuets."
"Uuuuuuuggghhhhh. Fine!"

Astrid quickly gave him a hug and ran off to Dillan.
" Sorry for the hold up," she said with a smile.
" No problem... So where is the place you normally hang out?" Dillan said with a smirk.
"Normally the yard out over there. Oh and by the way, My name is Astrid."
"Cool. I'm guessing you already know my name."
"Yeah. So, like I said where do you wanna go?" Astrid asked.
" Oh, I know! Follow me," Dillan said grinning from ear to ear.
" Um....ooooookkkkkkaaaaayyyyy?" Astrid said curiously.

At that very moment, Dillan grabbed Astrid's hand and ran over to the emergency exit.
"Where the hell do you think your going?!"
"Somewhere amazing," he said with another huge grin...
Ok, I know these chapters aren't that long but I'm trying my best. Hope your enjoying. Peace out🦄✌🏾️

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