Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber love story

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Chapter 8
Will you Marry me?
So what's the plan?"
"We are going to the park where I have cards with instructions in the walkway posted on the trees. Then we'll arrive at this restaurant and have dinner. Then by 11:00 she'll have had a bunch more clues leading us to the airport where we will get on my jet and be off to Prague. That's tonight. Then on Saturday well wake up in Prague and do whatever she wants. Then Sunday I have more plans. I have a photographer to take candid of us through out the day that I'm going to later use in a power point at the wedding reception whenever that is. And then I'm going to have someone film me proposing to her in the streets of Prague."
"how in earth did you get so freaking romantic?"
I smiled and looked down "I don't know."
It was 9:00pm we just arrived at the park. We got out of the car and headed towards the entrance.
"Are you ready babe?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."
I took Hailey's hand and began to lead her down the walkway, we walk a short distance before reaching the first place with the first note card. Hailey walked over and picked it up.
"Don't ever be afraid to take love by the hands and run with it."

Hailey turned around and smiled at me and we kept walking. We finally reached the end, we approached a little wooded nook and there was the last note card. She picked it up and she picked it up and it read.

Don't be surprised by a hopeless romantic, they'll always find a way to make your heart skip a beat. Now before our journey begins, why don't we eat?"

Hailey walked back over to me "you're so cute, and cheesy. Where are we going to eat?"
"Your favorite restaurant, Rio's."
"I love that place so much, thank you." I took her hand and we headed back towards he car and off to the restaurant.
We arrive at the restaurant and take a seat at one of the back room tables. When we sit down there is another card for Hailey to read

Bon Apetite beautiful.
She leans over and kisses me "The trip hasn't even begun yet and I'm already so happy and having an amazing time. Thank you for being who you are."
"That's all I hoped for. Thank you for loving me as I am."
Throught the dinner Hailey gets more cards with every plate. She reads them and smiles and laughs. The final card arrives with the dessert and it says

Now you've made is this far. Enjoy your dessert because afterwards you will go to a beautiful place and spend your weekend.

"I wonder what this beautiful place is."
I smile, she has always wanted to take a romantic trip to Prague. "You'll find out soon enough babe."
We finish at the restaurant and its is 10:30. We get in the car and head out to the airport. Once
Hailey realized that our beautiful place isn't in L.A she got even more excited. We got on the plan and shared some champagne. Up next Prague.
When I had woken up, it was very early in the morning. I looked around and saw Justin on his phone, I yawned and caught his attention.
"Good morning beautiful."
"Good morning, what time is it?"
"It's 5:00 am."
"Have we made it to our destination yet?" I looked at Justin and he smiled. He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

Mysteries can be surprising and long. You're wait is now over... Welcome to Prague.
I look up at Justin and just stare at him wondering if he is telling the truth. He is smiling at me and I can't see any hint of a lie on his face. I jump up and kiss him and hug him and thank him. I've always wanted to come to Prague on a romantic trip, I can't believe it's finally happening.
"Oh my gosh baby thank you, so much!"
"Anything for you."
I kissed him again and then sat down as we prepared to land.
Once we land we get into a car and head off to the hotel.
"I can't believe we are here, how did you know that this is where I wanted to come on a trip?" I locked fingers with Justin's and smiled over at him
"I pay very close attention to you babe, even if you think I'm not I am. I over heard you on the phone and you told someone that this was the place you would want to go to for a trip with me. So I took that and kept it in the back of my mind until now."
"Well I am forever grateful that you eavesdropped."
We arrived at the hotel which was on the beach over looking the water. Our room was on the sunny side and had the best view of the ocean.
"Oh my god babe this is absolutely amazing! I'm so in love with this trip and it just started."
I sat on the bed and stared out the window at the ocean. Justin walks over and sits next to me. "I'm so glad you are happy to be here, I would do anything for my queen."
"Now what do we have planned?"
"This is your day. You can choose whatever you want to do."
I thought to myself, I'm in Prague what do I want to do. "Can we go sight seeing?"
"Of course we can."
"Yes!" I gathered my phone and my purse and put my hair up in a messy bun. We left the hotel room and got a shuttle bus to downtown, we go to an information desk and get a map of the city and all the places to sight see. We catch a bus tour and get on it, it takes us to all the major spots which is absolutely beautiful. I took so many picture I think my phone is on over load.
The tour came to an end and we headed toward a little town that had a bunch of small boutiques and a huge water fountain in the center.
"This day was amazing. Thank you so much for taking me sight seeing, this place is so beautiful. Now I'm hungry." I hold my stomach and pout.
"You're always hungry babe."
"And you wonder how I'm not fat."
"You're gifted in that department. Let's head back and we can find a restaurant to go to.
"Perfect." We caught a shuttle bus back to the hotel and got ready to go to dinner.

Justin took me to a really nice restaurant. After dinner we go to a little cafe for dessert foods and drinks. We spent the rest of the night on the town and got back to our hotel room by 1:30 am.
"Today was perfect, thank you. I wonder what we will be doing tomorrow?" I thought about some possibilities.
"Tomorrow I've got a few things up my sleeve." "Oh do you?" I turned to face him.
"I planned Friday night and left Saturday for you to do whatever you'd like. Sunday I've planned some stuff the. Monday is a whatever day. Then we fly out Monday night."
"I'm excited for tomorrow. I didn't know what you were planning up to this point and now I'm more excited because I don't know what you are planning for tomorrow either."
"I love watching you be surprised. You try to look at my face and get hints."
I laughed because it is true. "Sometimes you give away good hints with the face."
"How?! It's my face not a road map babe."
"I have my ways of figuring it out."
I get off the bed and head to the bathroom to get ready to sleep.
"Okay babe. Whatever you say."
The next morning came and I woke up quietly and headed to the shower. Today is the day I propose to Hailey. I am jumping out of my skin, I hope everything goes smoothly. I got out of the shower and got dressed, I walked into the room and found Hailey sitting on her phone.
"Happy Sunday." I kissed her and threw a shirt on over my head.
"Morning, happy Sunday. What's our first thing in the agenda today?"
"How about a nice breakfast?"
"You know I love food so that isn't a question. Let me shower first."
Hailey got up and got in the shower, I walked over to my bag and pulled out the ring and put it in my pocket. Once Hailey finished getting ready we went downstairs to the breakfast bar.

We got seats that had the perfect view of the skyline and the city. After we finished eating our next stop was a boat ride on the clear blue ocean, it was filled with rainbow fish and all the new born turtles.
I looked over at Hailey in admiration, she was just in awe at the sights.
"Babe this is so beautiful."
"I'd new you'd like it." I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her in the head "There's so much more of a surprise for you."
"I can't wait"
We finish there boat ride on the water it's around 1:30 and we go out to lunch. The time is getting closer for me to propose to Hailey and I am very nervous.
We finished lunch and headed out towards the town square, this is where I'm going to propose to her. As we approach the town square I see the video men and camera men hiding away from Hailey's view. The time has finally arrived, This ring was burning a hole in my pocket. This moment in my life I've been waiting for, I hopes that she will say yes.
I took Hailey by the arm and stopped her, she turned to face me. "hey babe can I talk to you for a second?"
"Yeah sure. What's up?"
I took a deep breath, I want to approach this the best way possible. "I have had a problem and I don't know how to address it."
"Babe what do you mean?"
I take another breath, I reach in my pocket and hold the ring box in my hand. "I'm just....." I look at Hailey, there's a slight look of horror on her face that what I am about to say won't be good.
"Babe, what is it?"
I finally opened my mouth and spoke "I'm just so in love with you, and I just can't imagine my world without you. I don't want to imagine my world without you. You mean so much to me,
you're my queen, you're my gem, my diamond in the rough. You've been with me through thick and thin and I want to be that rock for you forever and always." I look at Hailey, her face relaxed when she realize where this was going.
"Im actually going to ball my eyes out babe...."
"That why this next thing I have to say to you is very crucial and I need you're complete
And honest answer."
I took the ring out of my pocket, I got down I took Hailey's hand and looked up at her.
"oh my god... this isn't happening."
I smiled, I prayed she would say yes. "Hailey Baldwin, will you marry me?"
"Oh my god babe of course I will oh my god I love you!"
I placed the ring on her finger and got up and kissed her, for a long time I might add. When we pulled apart I rested my head against hers.
"I love you."
"I love you so much. I can't believe this."

Everything went just as I had planned Hailey and I are now engaged. This is the absolute most blissful moment both of us have ever felt. Neither of us could be happier. Hailey was staring at ring and kissed me multiple times. She was glowing she was so happy, I was happy. I am going to marry the love of my life.  We headed back to the hotel, I met the camera men in the lobby and got the SIM card. I want to make a video montage of all of our time together and play it for Hailey at our wedding. I want Hailey's wedding to be everything she could have ever dreamed of.

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