I think i wanna marry you

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I rushed back to he hotel and just hoped that Seth hadn't left. The elevator pinged and i stepped out of it as soon as the doors opened. I was about to swipe my door key when i saw Roman standing outside of his room.

"Ro. You haven't seen Seth leave have you?" I asked

"Yeah. He left man" Roman replied

This wasn't good ''What do you mean he left?" 

"He looked upset and was saying something about going to his parents house for a while. He said that you and him wanted different things. I've never seen him like that before man" Roman said, concerned

"Fuck" I was so frustrated with myself for getting so angry with Seth over nothing

"Look, all i know is that he had a large bag with him and seemed in a hurry to leave" Roman said

"Didn't you try and stop him?" I asked

"I tried but he wouldn't budge" Roman explained "Look man. Why don't you wait in your room for him. He could still come back once he's calmed down"

"I suppose" i said defeated as i swiped my room key and pushed open the door

The sight that i was met with was the last thing i expected. There was Seth, standing in the middle of our room. Candles were lit all around him and there were rose petals scattered on the bed. I was lost for words and i turned my head around to see Roman standing in the doorway, smiling like an idiot. He shut the door behind me and left us alone. When i turned around again Seth was on the floor, on one knee.

* * *

"I wanted this to be a surprise" I said as i looked up at Dean "I never thought i would be so lucky as to fall in love with my best friend" tears started to well in my eyes. I was freaking out and i started to talk to myself, quietly willing myself to just spit it out already "I-i can do this" i mumbled, taking a moment "I thought that it mattered what i said but then i realized that the only thing that matters is us. You are my everything and i love you with every fiber of my being, with every breath in my body'' i took a deep breath as Dean moved forwards and sunk to his knees in front of me, he wiped away a few stray tears off my cheek "And if you'll let me...i'd- i'd like to spend the rest of my life with you" 

Dean suddenly reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out a small velvet box, opening it up in front of me to reveal a ring.

Dean suddenly reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out a small velvet box, opening it up in front of me to reveal a ring

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''Great minds think alike huh?'' Dean said as he smiled "Seth will you marry me?"

I was shocked. It took me a moment to take it all in before i lunged forward wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him all over his face "Yes yes yes!!''

I could hear a sigh of relief leave Dean as he held me close and a loud knock on the door interrupted our moment.

''IS IT SAFE TO COME IN YET?" Roman yelled from the other side of the door

"YEAH COME IN" I yelled back

"So you finally popped the question then?" Roman said as he took in the sight of both of kneeling on the floor

"Actually we kinda both did" I said, causing him to laugh

"Oh man'' he said as he shook his head ''My baby brothers are growing up so fast"

Dean and i looked at each other and i laughed as we stood to our feet "You're like a year older than us Roman, relax"

"I'm still the oldest" Roman argued

Dean slid the ring onto my finger. ''Now all we need to do is hook you up with someone Ro"

"No. I do not need to be hooked up, i'm good'' Roman replied, throwing Dean a warning glare ''I know what you guys are getting at and it's not happening!!

Dean and I both knew that Roman had a thing for Brie Bella and we had warned him that we would set them up if he didn't hurry up and make a move soon

"Alright we won't" I said as i smiled at Dean knowingly

"You better not" Roman warned as he left

"We're going to hook him up right?" Dean asked as soon as he was gone

"Oh definitely" I replied as i leant forward to kiss him 

''I think we should celebrate'' Dean suggested as his hands settled on my ass

"Wait...i have to call my parents" I said, pulling back from him

"Right now?'' Dean asked as he began to kiss along my jaw line

"I have to call them and tell them the good news"  I replied

He began to nip and suck at the sweet spot on my neck and i grabbed hold of the back of his head getting lost in the sensation for a second "You'll have time for that tomorrow but right now we need to celebrate"

I let out a huff "Well i suppose it could wait"

Dean smirked at me "You're damn right it can''

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