The big day

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As I stood in front of the mirror in my hotel room I thought about everything Dean and I had gone through together, all the ups and downs, the good times and the bad, the special moments we shared together and all the arguments we ever had. They all seemed worth it now as I adjusted my suit jacket, pleased with how I looked. I couldn't wait to see Dean, couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he saw me walk down the aisle. We hadn't been engaged that long and we weren't going to be Husband and Wife. We hadn't done the whole 'Something Old, something new, something borrowed, something blue' thing and neither one of us was going to be wearing a wedding dress but it didn't matter, we were doing things our way and that's how we liked it.

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It had been a good week, me and my boys had won our match at WrestleMania and now I was standing, surrounded by just a few of Seth and I's closest friends and family as I waited for Seth to make his way down the aisle. We'd chose to keep things simple and small. We didn't need a lot of fuss, we just needed each other. He brought the best out in me, made me happy and gave me something to fight for; something to live for. He completely turned my life upside down, took me by surprise and changed my life for the better and I don't know what I'd do without him. Before Seth, I never understood what love was.

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The sound of Johann Pachelbel's Canon in D Major filled the intimate space and everyone stood to their feet as Seth finally made his way down the aisle. Both men not taking their eyes off each other for a second as they joined hands and began the ceremony. They'd chose to write their own vowels as a special touch to an already unique wedding and it was Seth who read his out first

"Dean. When we first got together I thought I was dreaming. I'd been in love with you for so long that I thought I'd wake up and realize It was just all a dream. It's always been you. No one else has ever come close. When you're by my side I feel like I can do anything. You're the light at the end of my tunnel, the kind of light that never dims and never goes out. I love you so much, and I promise to love and cherish you for as long as I live"

Seth started to cry as the words left his mouth and Dean didn't waste any time in gently wiping the tears away with the back of his thumb. Offering his lover a small smile before starting to speak himself 

"Seth. I never knew what love was until I met you, I didn't have the best of life's growing up, I was damaged but you've healed me. You saw past all my flaws and made me a better person just by loving me. We've been through a lot, both good and bad but we've come out stronger than ever and I'm never gonna stop fighting for you. You're it for me and I'm so proud to call you mine.  

In that moment he just couldn't control himself, the tears seem to fall down his face at there own accord as Seth returned his earlier gesture, wiping them away for him.

By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband's. You may kiss.

Their guests begin to clap and Dean and Seth slowly leant into each other, whispering their love for each other repeatedly before finally kissing. Roman and Brie watched on, Roman struggling to fight back own his tears as Brie cried like a baby beside him.

 Roman and Brie watched on, Roman struggling to fight back own his tears as Brie cried like a baby beside him

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Author's note: 

Not ready to say goodbye to Dean and Seth just yet? Check out the sequal, Meant To Be where they take on married life, new challenges and even more ups and downs.

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