im scared...

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"JADE DONT PANIC IM HERE ITS OKAY" ryan's voice filled the room as he'd broken the door down

" their back ryan their back" i cried as he picked me up in his arms

" come on its okay tell me what happened slowly" ryan spoke to me in a calming voice and cian sprinted  up the stairs looking worried

" jade are you okay?" cian spoke out of breath from sprinting over

" noo" i curled myself into a ball and burried my head into my knees

" ryan whats going on" cian asked

" jade has this thing where her mind imagines scary spirits that come and takeover whatever she's doing our grandmother always told her to be careful its a scary thing and we can't stop it cian its scary i know just have to be brave" ryan explained

" im scared ryan im scared" i cried with tears rolling down my cheeks

" dont be its okay jade were here" ryan hugged me

" can't we do anything?" cian asked wanting to help

" we've tried everything" ryan spoke

" i can't do this ryan she's back shes back" i started rocking forward and backwards

" jesus shall i call a ambilence?" dean rushed up the stairs

" they wont know what to do dean" ryan admitted

" jade jade talk to me who's back ?" cian tried to stop me rocking as he held onto me

" its a ghost that we had in our first ever house with our parents" ryan explained

" ryann" i cried

" im here im not leaving you im here" ryan hugged me

" dean's calling the ambilence" bren looked at me with worried eyes

" They wont know!" ryan spoke

" we can try" cian spoke

Ryans pov

the ambilance came but i was convinced they wouldnt be able to help jade she'd been having this ever since our parents died it was scary at first but im kinda used to it and i can crontrol it better all the lads came with us and emily we got to the hospital and they took jade into a room she wanted me to stay with her i told the other lads to go to the venue for tonight and that i won't be joining them they could do the show without me they all hugged me and jade and then left.

Deans pov

i was scared for jade i'd never been near or with anyone who was like that i didn't want to leave ryan and jade but we've got a show to do and i know we can make up ryan's solos easy enough we all got into the taxi and texted liam that where heading to the venue luckily the gig didn't start for an hour so we could practice and get our heads together

" bro jade will be okay" i hugged cian as he looked like he was going to cry

" i just wish i could help her" cian nearly enough fell into my arms he was an emotional wreak which i needed to sort out

we where half way through cry for help our first song and i could tell cian couldn't sing for that long i went and hugged him so did the other lads we finished the end of the song Dayl was hugging cian

" we need to explain something lads" i announced

" okay" josh spoke bluntly

" everyone you may see that theirs not 6 of us on this stage the reason ryans not here is because his little sister jade is in the hospital this morning she had a kinda panic attack we're not sure what exactly it is but im sure ryan can explain it better and we'll get him to put a twitter post up after the show so just respect that if anyone of us breaks down like cian overthere were very sorry we're just trying our best to be strong" i spoke and hugged cian and assured him that everything will be okay

" okay this next song is roses" brendan spoke and sqeezed cians arm giving him a small smile and a nod as cian returned it

" sorry everyone" cian apologysed

we started singing roses it was amazing everyone had signs saying roses and we gave out some roses we were nearly all on our last rose when something amazing happened jade came running onto the stage at which this point cian stopped singing and picked her up spinning her around as we all just finished the last part of roses and all the fans screaming at cian and jade then ryan came on to fill in his and cians part which made everyone scream even louder we finished the song and did a massive group hug where josh ran off to get emily for the hug and quickley ran back on with her amd everyone screamed again

Jades pov

" I'M BACK" ryan spoke into the mic as everyone screamed

" and im okay!!" i spoke into cians mic as everyone screamed and took lots of pictures

" i can tell they know now" cian whispered in my ear as i giggled and hugged him then walked off with emily

" now lets crack on with this show!" ryan laughed

" lets" cian smiled

the lads finished their amazing gig in london a few hours later and everyone was so over the mood that me and ryan are okay liam came over and hugged me which was unexpected and said he's glad im okay which i smiled at i didnt really know how to react we all got into the bus it went front liam and darren like normal then in the middle josh emily bren and dean and ryan then me cian and dayl in the back

" lets put this song on" cian smiled as he played roses

" oh cian" i giggled

Dayls pov

" these two are in their dream world" i spoke to my lovley snapchatters

" ryan how do u feel?" i asked ryan

" im over the mood london was amazing!" ryan smiled

" wooo we love london" josh added

" told ya lads their crazy" i laughed

" your the craziest one here dayl" dean spoke laughing and shaking his head

" he's the mean one not iiii!" i spoke in my slime voice

" oh the voice is back" josh laughed

" you knowww" i said again in the slime
voice as the rest of the lads laughed apart from cian who was in the world of jade which also made another apperence in the snapchat this is why everyone loves the cronin the best

" dayl what are you doing?" bren asked as i was trying to spy on him

" ahh ive been caught noo" i laughed and hid playfully

" cian oi cian morrin hello morrin!" josh tried getting cians attention but that did work we all got back to the hotel again and got all our bags ready to go to glasgow the same night so we all packed up and got back onto the bus stopping at starbucks and getting a few drinks and food i made sure bren didnt spill any drinks hes so clumsy its acutally funny

" Jade dont worry i wont spill any drinks on ya" bren laughed

" Its okay bren" she laughed

" Oh lads" josh rolled his eyes and sipped his drink as we all got onto the bus and had a picnic which was so fun

" Fooodd" i said in my slime voice

" Oh dayl" jade laughed

" It was not iiii" i said in my slime voice

" Okay guys night lads" ryan spoke

" Night ryan" everyone spoke

" Roll on glasgow" dean spoke before we all fell asleep

Im really sorry if my uploads are slow im trying go do one everyday but im running out of things i dont want to repeat the same things xx

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