Cake and fanta!

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Ryans pov

today is the day that louis hears my sister in real life I'm so buzzing I'm not at all nervous for her i know she'll smash it i woke everyone up by singing where i belong its the best thing to do to wake everyone up and very entertaining i picked out an outfit for jade to help her out even if she didn't need it i was to excited to care and i made all the lads tea which bren gave a thumbs up to which means it passes the brendan tea rank which is always good. I picked out a white top and some light blue jeans with a mustard coloured pair of vans

" ryan you didn't need to do that but thanks" jade smiled and hugged me

" its okay sis your going to smash it today i know it!" i hugged her back

" okay i'm going for a shower see you in a bit" she smiled

" see you" i smiled walking out the room

i got into the bathroom and turned the shower on and hopped into it a few mins in it i started singing bill's which was really fun as i heard Dean joining in as he walked past

" I've got bills i gotta pay" i sang

" so im gonna work work work everyday" dean added

" yes dean" i laughed

" god dam god dam god dam god dam" dean laughed as i carried on and he left today was going to be such an amazing day i could tell i hopped out the shower wrapping a towel around my hair and getting changed into the outfit ryan had picked out which i actually loved Ryan's the sort of brother who knows what you like and what you don't like which i loved about him i walked along the hall to josh's room i kicked on the door and josh answered

" morning josh" i smiled

" morning jade" he smiled back

" emily can i borrow your hairdryer please" i asked

" yeah sure its just down their" she smiled back

" thanks" i took it and walked to the bottom of the stairs plugged it in and sat on the bottom step brow drying my hair

" ooh do mine" dayl ran over as i pointed the hairdryer at his now quiff

" perfect!" he said in his slime voice

" so perfect" i laughed as i carried on drying my hair and brushing it when i heard cian walking down the stairs on snapchat

" and heres my beautiful now girlfriend drying her hair" he spoke

" hello" i laughed

" ahh attacked by the hair" cian laughed as he walked through my hair that was blowing from the hairdryer

" oh no cians gonna die ono" i joked laughing

" and this is why jades so cute" cian laughed

" thanks" i laughed

" heres my over luverr mr dayl cronin" cian laughed

" hello my luverrr" he said in his slime voice

" ahh u lads" bren laughed

" its brendan!!!" cian ran up to him with the camera

" hey how it going" brendan laughed

" good" cian laughed

After a while i'd finished doing my hair and put it up in a bun with a mustard hair tie which matched my vans

" ooh work that style" dean laughed

" oh dean" i laughed

" hey that was my work" Ryan laughed

" yes it was" i laughed

" very good very good" cian spoke in a posh accent

" lets go to louis house well one of them anyway" josh spoke

" lets gooo" emily added as we all got into a taxi

we got to louis house soon enough it had massive white walls in front of it and a massive gate with a code pad luckily he saw us outside so he let us in to this massive mansion he has

" wow this is massive" i spoke wide-eyed

" it is!" bren added wide-eyed aswell

" hello everyone" louis smiled

" hello louis" we all replied

" right jade lets here you sing" he smiled

" oh god" i muttered

" it will be fine" cian spoke

" sure?" i spoke

" sure" he smiled as we walked into the studio the butterflies in my belly felt like they where going to exploade

" go whenever you ready jade no pressure" he chuckled

" go on jade" Ryan and jade spoke

"okay" i spoke nervously i stood at the mic as i placed my fingers on the right strings of cians guitar that he gave me to use and started singing where i belong i grew more confident as i saw louis smiling and speaking to the boys as they smiled Ryan was filming me which i didn't mind they all just smiled in silence and sometimes mimed their solos which found a little funny i finished and everyone clapped

"jade i don't know what to say your just so talented" louis spoke

" thanyou" i smiled

" i'll give simon a call about you your something special" he smiled as Ryan was crying he was so proud of me i could tell louis left the room to ring simon and ryan ran unto me and squeezed me to death he was so proud

" jade i can't believe you did that omg" ryan cried of happiness as the other lads hugged me and I'm sure i was going to get a lot of tweets about this from the lads and emily she always squeezed me to death she was so proud of me aswell and wished she could sing like i could

" i can teach you guitar wow i never thought id say that" i giggled

" i know a few tricks" josh added

" oh we all know that" i laughed

Ryan's pov

we stayed in louis house for a while as he was on the phone to simon for a while sorting out jade's singing i was like a proud dad i tweeted and put the video of jade singing on twitter and youtube even if it made jades phone nearly die of how many people loved it and i would't be surprised i loved it aswell i think everyone did i just couldn't believe it . we all sat down watching TV waiting for louis he finally came back in

" I've got some good news simon wants me to manage you!" louis spoke

" omg" she spoke and burst into tears of happiness as cian hugged me

" im excited to see some songs with you guys together!" louis smiled

" that will be class!" bren smiled

" okay lads lets go back home thank you so much louis" she spoke as we all left louis house and got into a taxi to the house

" lets have cake!!" bren announced

" we need fanta!" cian near enough shouted

" okay we'll get cake and fanta" Josh shouted back laughing him and emily went to the shop down the road as we got comfy and the lads sang roses it was so cute that was my favourite song of theirs

Jades pov 

" cake and fanta!" josh announced

" wooo" dayl said in his slime voice we all sat watching The lion king ( dean begged us to watch it) stuffing our faces with cake while drinking fanta

" to jade" Ryan toasted holding up a can

" to jade" everyone joined in

" wooo" everyone said

" thanks guys" i laughed

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