Opening Dedication

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Opening Dedication: This story is for all those who want to follow their dreams in life and are either doing all they can, no matter how hard, or are just going to give up. Honestly, keep on working. You will succeed. I can tell you now; it's not going to be easy. At all. Especially if you are interested in the arts. It takes so much patience and self confidence. Don't let ANYONE put you down.

Also, for those who are going through so much shit, and everything is too much, there is ALWAYS someone out there for you. Self-harmers, I understand almost EVERYTHING you're going through (though everyone has a different story). From 5th grade to 8th grade I was a self-harmer, but please just keep your head up high, and try to get help.

I hope you guys can relate to some of the characters in this story. If not, I hope you just enjoy it.

Lots of love,


P.S. Sorry if there are any theater/song references as jokes in here. I'm a musician and a theater yeah <3


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