
47 3 5

May 9th, 2008

I felt around my night stand. It was 5 am. I finally found my alarm clock and slammed my fist into it to shut it off. It's too early to be awake, but at least it's a Friday. I slid out of bed and turned on the light. I trudged to my closet to find something to wear. Not much. I wore all of my good stuff already. I decided on a red and black plaid button up, black jeans, and a pair of low cut red converse. I gathered all of my morning products such as shampoo, a towel, soap, straightener, makeup, etc., and headed to the bathroom in the hallway. Of course it would be occupied. It was by either my dad (he's a construction worker, so he gets up early) or my brother (17. Senior in high school). I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. Still nothing. I sighed, and then presumed to kick the door.

"What? What the hell do you want?" Tyler called from the opposite side.

"Hurry up! I need to get ready! And if this was mom, you would be so dead! Just saying!"

"Whatever! I'll be out soon. Go wait somewhere!" I groaned and went back into my room, carefully closing the door. I turned on my stereo and popped my Riot album by Paramore. I started drumming to the beat of 'For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic'. Good song, but not the best-drumming wise.

I'm already on track 3, 'Hallelujah', and Tyler is still not out of the bathroom. Seriously, what is taking him so long? I got up and walked to my closed door. I opened it and saw Tyler standing there like he was about to knock.

"Beat me to it I guess.." He smirked.

"What took you so long? Shouldn't it be the girl who takes forever, not the guy? I'm going to be late for school!" I said gathering my stuff for the bathroom.

"Since when have you care about school?"

"Because I have something planned today." I said shoving past him to the bathroom. "By the way, you might want to start caring, because what you last said had the worst grammar. C'mon, you're 17 going on 18." I closed the bathroom door and peeled off last night's pajamas. I stepped into the shower, playing with the knobs to find the right temperature. I took a quick shower-washing my hair and body, not caring about shaving today. I turned off the water, grabbed my towel from the rail, and stepped out. In the middle of drying off, I noticed I didn't bring in my lotion. Well this sucks. I guess I can go a day without it. I threw on my jeans and buttoned up my shirt. I blow dried my hair quickly and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I made a few funny faces before plugging in my straightener and turning it on. I took out what I needed from my makeup bag and set it up on the counter. I rubbed foundation on my face and made sure it was even. I rimed my eyes with a thin line of liner and lightly coated my lashes with mascara. I tapped the straightener to check to see if it was hot enough. It was. I sectioned my hair and bangs and started to run the straightener through it. When I styled it the right way, I sprayed it with hair spray. I collected my things and left the bathroom, heading to my bed room. I threw on my converse and grabbed my messenger bag. I threw in last night's homework because I was too lazy to put it in my bag last night. I went to my dresser to grab my lucky drum sticks, but they weren't there. Crap. Where did I put them? I calmly searched through my room for then, but still didn't find them. I rushed down to the basement to the music room to look for them. Still nothing. I ran back up to the kitchen to find my brother digging through the fridge. Usually, I would make a comment about that, but right now, I'm on a mission.

"Ty, have you seen my lucky drum sticks?" I asked him.

"Yeah. You left them on the floor in the living room by the coffee table." I hugged and thanked him as he shoved me off of him, like I was some diseased child. I went to the living room and picked up my drum sticks, gently placing them into my bag. I went back to the kitchen to get a cinnamon raisin bagel and to grab my house keys and lunch. I started walking out the door after I called to Ty, "I'm going to the bus! See you at school, dummy!" And with that, I left. I sped walked to the bus stop so I wouldn't be late, meeting up with my one of my best friends Jake along the way (all while eating my bagel of course).

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