Some Months Later.

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We Broke Up! You Free But You Miss

Him. You Try To Move On With A

Thug Nigga. That Nigga Cheats. You

Give Up And Hide Your Heart And

Feelings. You Feel As If No One Cares

For You. Tylenol. Overdose. Sleep

Your Pains Away. In Your Dreams

You See The People Who Loved You But Are Gone Forever. In Your

Nightmares You See Him. Him. He

Abuses You And Torchers You. Even

In Your Sleep. You Wake Up Heart

Racing And Pulse Pacing. Tears

Rushing Down Your Face. You Ain't

Even Know You Were Crying.

Drowning In Your Tears. Chest

Pains. Heaving And Weaving,

Having A Hard Time Breathing. It

Hurts! It Hurts! "Take Away My Pain",

You Beg The Lord. You Love Him But

At The Same Time Hate Him For

Doing This To You. No Sleep For

Several Days, That Nigga Voice Was

Your Lullaby. You're Scared To Tell

Your Parents How You Feel. But Your

Best Friend Calls You Stupid And

Dumb For Crying For Him. You Shut

Down And Build Walls Around

Yourself. Alone.

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