Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End

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The Beginning of the End

When Gray broke up with Juvia everyone expected her to have a meltdown so extreme it would flood the halls of Fairy Tail High. An unexpected break up after three months of dating her idol? Oh yeah. It was going to happen.

That is, until it didn't.

What no one expected was Juvia handling the break up better than the most perfectly sane person in the world, or Gray getting jealous over the girl who he had just dumped, or him allowing his overenthusiastic friends to help mold him into a better boyfriend (for her sake, of course).

Nothing went as expected. Really the whole situation was just unexpected. And Gray's denial wasn't simplifying things at all.


Gray's fingers softly drummed the top of his desk as he kept his dark blue gazed trained firmly on the door only a couple feet away. Students were entering the classroom by the dozens, but none had the cobalt-colored hair that he was keeping an eye out for. Where is she? She's usually one of the first people in the room.

Not that Gray really wanted to see the girl whom he'd dumped two days before. Actually, he was praying to whoever would listen that Juvia wouldn't come to school that day. Or the day after that. Or for the rest of the week.

You know, it might be best if she just transferred back to Phantom Lord High.

"Do you see her yet?" The pink-haired boy sitting next to Gray asked. Gray would have rolled his eyes, but that would require looking away from the door.

"If I saw her don't you think I would've said something?"

Natsu snorted. "I don't know what goes on in that perverted brain of yours!"

Gray gritted his teeth tightly together, ready to comeback with a stinging retort, when a feminine voice beat him to it. "Morning Natsu, morning Gray!" The busty blonde chirped happily, as she took her seat next to Natsu. Gray only mumbled a response, eyes still fixed on the door, whilst Natsu perked up instantly.

"Hey Luce!" he exclaimed, and leaned over to wrap his around her shoulders and plant a sloppy kiss on his girlfriend's cheek. Gray wrinkled his nose in disgust (How does Lucy put up with him?), but if it bothered Lucy, she did a creditable job of masking it.

Instead of being totally repulsed she giggled and asked Natsu something that Gray couldn't be bothered to hear. If Juvia walked into that classroom, he wasn't going to miss it. Then again, he reasoned with himself. It's kinda hard to miss a hysterically sobbing blue-haired girl.

Truthfully Juvia was hard to miss even when she wasn't sobbing hysterically. She was rather eye-catching, what with her cobalt-blue hair and busty build. She was a gorgeous girl and could easily have a future working as a model or an actor. And up until two days ago, she had been Gray's girlfriend.

They dated for three months, and those were the longest three months of Gray's life. They were filled with sweet, one-sided texts, passionless kisses, and too many rainchecks to keep count of. All of this was due to the fact that Gray had absolutely no interest in the girl he was dating. Really, he only asked her out in the first place so that his friends would get off his back. They were tired of him being single, and it was obvious that Juvia liked him a lot. Why not give it a shot?

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