Chapter 4 - Natsu, We Have a Problem

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Thank you SO much to everyone who commented and voted for the last chapter! There was a ton of feedback (all of it positive!) and I felt really good about it :) Hopefully you'll love this chapter just as much as the last!

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Natsu, We Have a Problem

"Are you absolutely positive that you don't want me to come to your dinner tonight, Gray?" Erza asked, a look of unsureness masking her features. "Jellal won't mind if I have to reschedule our plans."

Yeah, right. Gray thought to himself. While Jellal might understand the importance of Erza's presence at his dinner tonight, he wouldn't be happy about having to reschedule their date. He was fiercely possessive of Erza, and Gray had watched him break a guy's arm before for leering at her before. Actually, he had seen him do this several times. Jellal was not someone who Gray was in a hurry to upset.

So instead of accepting her offer, Gray leaned on her street post and shot her a confident look. "Erza, I'll be fine. It's just dinner. Besides, I'll have Ur."

Erza didn't look convinced, and Gray couldn't say he blamed her. When they were five Gray and Lyon decided they wanted to learn how to play hockey and how to snowboard, respectively. Ur, who grew up in Alaska and loved all things cold, immediately boarded a plane with her adopted sons and took them on a vacation to Alaska. Once there she would 'train' them outside in the below-freezing temperatures, and forced them to strip their clothes as well, claiming it would help them better adjust to the cold. Gray thought she was a lunatic for it at the time, but it seemed there was a method to her madness. Not only were he and Lyon some of the best hockey players and snowboarders around, but they were practically immune to the cold.

However Ur's method did come with a couple of disadvantages. It was thanks to her training that Gray and Lyon would unconsciously shed their clothes at the most inopportune times.

"Alright, if you say so." Erza said slowly. "But if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me or Natsu, and we'll be over as soon as we can."

Gray waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Go get ready for your date Erza. I'll be fine."

The scarlet-haired beauty smiled after a second and nodded, and without a final word she started down her street. Gray watched her leave for a minute before sighing and continued walking. His house was on the next street over, right behind Erza's. Natsu's house was on the street in front of Erza's. It was quite convenient, how close their houses were all located. It was how they were able to spend so much time together as children.

As the raven-haired teen walked he tried to distract his thoughts from drifting to dinner.

There's only about a month left until Halloween, Gray recalled the conversation he'd overheard at lunch. We should probably start planning our costumes if we want to get it all together in time.

Ever since the fifth grade, Gray and his friends had dressed up for Halloween and then went trick-or-treating together. Their costumes had a new theme every year, and Gray had to admit, some years were pretty impressive. Last year they'd gone as Harry Potter wizards; the year before that was Batman; the year before that they dressed up as ninjas. The list went on and on.

Although some people might consider the high school juniors too old for Trick-or-Treating, most of the town loved them, and looked forward to seeing them every year. Some of their long-time candy-givers even bought special treats just for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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