Chapter 26 - Cuddle sessions

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Quick Note!

I'm thinking of ending this story.

Not because I don't like it anymore or because I want it over with but because I feel like it's gone a good length and the storyline is good.

Who knows? I might continues this book for another 20 chapters! Let me know what you readers think, thanks!


"Haise?" You said as you walked into the hospital to pick him up. Haise saw you and smiled, opening his arms wide and enveloped you into a warm hug. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm much better now that you're here." He said with his cheek on the top of your head. You let out a chuckle and smiled. You pulled yourself away from Haise and looked at him, your lips curving into a frown.

Haise has a medical wrapped around his head.

You walked closer to him and brought your small frail hands over his bandage.

"It doesn't hurt, I'm good." Haise said when you touched his head.

"How are you not hurt when you caught me from falling?" You asked looking into his deep grey eyes.

"My kagune broke the fall, plus all that matters is that you're safe."

"I'm still scared Haise.." You said shakily as you brought your hands to your face and started to sob softly. "I'm scared to lose you."

"I'll never leave your side." Haise brought you closer to him and he kissed your forehead. "Never."


Ever since that incident with Haise and his near death experience, you've been more attached to him. You followed him a lot more than before and you hugged him a lot more.

Not that he minded, he actually thought it was really cute to have you follow him around and have you cuddle him more.

Haise and you were at the apartment chilling because Haise Akira let him off work for a week so he could heal faster.

Haise was laying on the sofa watching some television when you walked over and cuddled into his chest, laying your body next to his.

"What are you doing (F/N)?" Haise asked wrapping his arms around you.


"You've been cuddling me a lot lately." Haise chuckled.

"I've been really needy with the cuddles."

"That's fine, I can cuddle with you any day."

Haise and you watched television for a few minutes before you got bored and decided to look at Haise's face instead. You noticed his sharp jawline and his perfect grey eyes. The way his lashes looked longer each time he blinked. You also noticed his hair.

Ah, Haise's hair.

The way the black was growing onto the white and the way it curved and fluffy. You took your hand and started to run your hand through his hair. Haise's eyes closed and he had a content smile on his face.

"This feels nice." Haise said as you continued to run your hands through his fluffy hair.

It also felt good to you. His hair was nice and soft and it soothed you and him. You continued to run your hands through his hair until you started to fall asleep on Haise.

When you woke up, you were in Haise's arms, still on the sofa. You carefully looked up and noticed Haise still sleeping. He looked content to you which made you happy, Haise happy was everything to you.

Carefully, you got out of his grasp and you threw on a jacket and walked to a store to buy something for Haise.

Haise woke up and when he looked down you weren't in his embrace. He got onto his feet and started searching the house for you. He started to get scared when you couldn't find you because Ayato had kidnapped you previously.

He put his shoes on and when he opened you squeaked and stepped back and slipped but luckily Haise's reflexes were good enough that he grabbed your arm so you wouldn't fall.

"H-Haise! You scared me!" You exclaimed as you put a hand on your chest.

"Where did you go? You scared me! I thought you got kidnapped again." Haise replied as you entered the house, taking your shoes off.

You turned around and held out a red rose for him.


"I went out to buy this for you."

"A rose?" He asked accepting it from you.

"Yeah, men always buy flowers for their significant others and they never get any flowers back. So I bought you a rose. Just one red rose." You replied smiling. Haise looked at rose and back to you. He smiled and leaned down to give you a kiss on the lips.

"Haha, thank you (F/N)-chan! I feel so special." Haise chuckled as he walked over to the kitchen and placed the rose in a vase with water. "I really do."

"You should."

Haise turned around and looked at you from the kitchen. He didn't say anything, he just stared at your figure and your eyes.

You started to feel embarrassed because he was just staring at you. Soon, Haise walked towards you and soon, he was standing right in front of you.


"Yes Haise?"

"I love you," He says with his warm smiles. Your heart skipped a beat and your cheeks started to flush. "You know that right?"

"I know that. I love you too Haise." You gave him a smile back and you both shared a sweet kiss together.


Haise and you were on the sofa with blankets and pillows while watching a (Favorite T.V show/Movie) marathon.

"Ready for another cuddle session?" He asked as he looked down because you were in between his legs.

"I'm always ready to cuddle."


SOOO, I hope you liked this chapter!!!

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Lots of love,


I still love you ~ Kaneki Ken X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now