New Beginnings

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On a bright shiny day after the whole demon dimension meeting the real world scenario, Gravity Falls was in a peaceful time, a girl with long brown hair wearing a black skirt, black converse and a blue hoodie was walking into town with her hands in her pockets, she looked to be age 13, so it was a tad strange to see her walking around town by herself. A huge boom erupted from the forest nearby as a boy, average height ran from said explosion. He was lean, yet fit. He wore a blue flannel with the sleeves rolled up, slim fit jeans with whitened knee areas, grey skate shoes and a blue and orange bead bracelet, one of the beads shinier and filled with both colors than the rest. He had floofy blonde hair that ran like a wave over his forehead and green eyes like leaves in summer. She looked towards the explosion and had a slight smirk shaking her head as she calmly made her way near the forest, "Hm... Dad was right... this place does look fun~!" He quickly ran across the oncoming lane of cars, even jumping and sliding across the hood of one, an angry driver yelling afterwards. He slid to a stop on the pavement and looked around quickly, the girl passing in his line of sight. He looked at her for a moment before being again in a rush down an alley way with a giant metallic bird following. She stopped and had an almost malicious grin on her face, her eyes glowing a slight yellow as she went down an alley that was connected to the one he went down. He stopped and slid on a heel, turning around to all walls. "Dead end... Frick..." He turned as he heard the engines of the birds wings. "And look who's followed the paperboy..." The girl slowly came out from the other end and smirked at him. "Care to make a deal...~?" She grinned at him and held out a hand towards him, "Blake, by the way." She flipped her hair with her other hand, he noticed it stopped right in the middle of her legs. He turned toward her, frightened a bit by her sudden appearance. "Geez...! Who're...where did.." He shook his head. "Nevermind. Look, I'm kinda busy at the.." He dodged as a metal feather stuck into the brick wall. "Moment." She snickered and snapped her fingers, her hand suddenly caught on fire. She smirked at him, her eyes glowing a dull yellow. "Care to make a deal~?" He looked at the bird remained in air, not doing anything. He moved his eyes back to her and looked at her very confused on who she was and what she meant by "a deal." She sighed, "Wanna die by metal poultry or live another day?" She laughed and grinned, "My hand is getting tired~" She laughed smiling. He looked at her hand then back to her once more before taking it in his. Her hand felt warm but not increasingly because of the blue flame. She chuckled and snapped her fingers as the metal bird disappeared, "I'm Blake." She suddenly had a floating top hat on her head that was completely black as she took it off bowing, "Pleasure to meet you Dalton Herald." He instantly took his hand away. "Cipher..." He backed away slowly. "You stay away from me, y'hear? Dipper told me all about how that black hat means nothing, but trouble."She giggled, "Actually I'm a friend of the Pines twins. Like I said before. I'm Blake. And you obviously know my dad, Bill." She giggled as she floated a bit, "Anyways you've made a deal with a Cipher." He growled, "Good for nothing..two bit..." He sighed and reached into his bag, taking out a sack full of money and tossing it to the ground. "Its all I got." She raised an eyebrow and shook her head, "Nope. I don't want money." She smiled softly floating down to the ground, "When I make deals, what I want is friendship. Thats... kinda how I became friends with the Pines." He looked up at her. "Friends..? You be friends?" He picked up his sack and put it back into his bag. "I...I don't get it...whats the catch?" She giggles as she shook her head, "No catch. I've.. I've been cooped up my whole life in the dreamscape so... I'd like friends. I'm friends with the Pines and Soos, but... I'm not exactly... a social butterfly." She pushed back a bit of her hair. "If you don't believe me, we can go to the Mystery Shack." He looked around and put his backpack back on. "But..your dad is Bill Cipher. I mean, he can do anything..! Even...get you friends way cooler than humans." He walked around the back of the alley. She walked next to him and laughed a bit, "Yeah but no demon wants a measly little half demon as a friend." She looked at her right hand, the one that had had the blue flame on it, "I still haven't been able to completely control my fire... the family fire..." She sighed, "Plus my dad didn't want me to have friends." He nodded, "I can only imagine..." He looked at her and stopped. "Youre not like him, are you. I mean you've got his eyes and...hat... But other than that you're..well youre your own person." He scratched his neck. She blinked and chuckled, "Whoops. Forgot to trash those." She made her hat disappear and her eyes looked normal... a dark brown iris in place of the black rectangle. "Yeah. I'm my own person." She held out her hand, "I'm Blake. Blake Cipher, daughter of the powerful dream demon, Bill Cipher. I myself am a half demon, meaning I'm half dream demon...half human." He watched as her hand extended, looking back at her and taking her hand. "Dalton Herald. Human, as far as I know. But you already knew that, didn't you." He grinned jokingly. She smiled and nodded, "Yes, I did." She said seriously then shook his hand, "Don't worry though, unlike my dad I'm a good person." She rubbed the back of her neck, shyly smiling, "The whole demonic act thing was me showing off a bit." She smiled at him blushing lightly. He raised an eyebrow slowly, "Showing off, huh?" He dusted his jeans off and smirked a bit. "Yknow, my brain may be off, but that's usually used when someone's flirting.." He chuckled. She blushed deeply, "W-what...?! N-no ya see My dad was around... he was in the wall in the alley I had to act like I was gonna steal your soul until he left." He slowly lowered his eyebrow and smiled. "I'm only playing.." He chuckled and stretched. She blinked and nervously laughed, "Sorry.. not used to that. I mean... I hang out with Dipper and Mabel. And my uncle Tad that's stuck in a goat." He blinked once and responded. "I won't ask about the last one." He once again shook her hand. "But if its another friend you want, you've got one." She grinned and hugged him suddenly, "Thank you!" He wasn't expecting, nor prepared for a hug. He was taken by surprise, but gently hugged her back. She blushed and gently and slowly let go of him, "Er...Mystery Shack?" He looked at her and backed up a bit after the hug. "Y..uh, yeah." He scratched his neck gently and smiled. She nodded and started to walk to the mystery shack grinning. He walked with her down the street. He'd only been down this was to recover a piece of a weapon his uncle needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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