~He tells you he loves you for the first time~
Harry- "R-O-C-K me again!" You sang while shampooing your hair. You belted out the lyrics to whatever came next on your playlist until you turned the water off and stepped out of your shower.
You wrapped your hair in a towel and wrapped a towel on your body and toon a seat on the edge of the bathtub. You grabbed your phone to shut off you music to see that you had one missed call and a voicemail from Harry.
You clicked play.
"Hey (y/n)! I just wanted to call and say that me and the boys were going to be at a meeting so I don't know if we'll be able to hangout unfortunately. It seems like it will be the first time in forever we haven't hung out." He laughs. "Well I better be going. I love you." There was a pause as Harry let what he just say register to him. "Holy S- y/n I wanted to say it to you in person the first time I said in not over the telephone. I hope you're not mad and I'm sorry f I said it to fast it's just how I feel and I din- I- ya I'm just going to hang up now." You couldn't help but laugh at how cute the message was and you knew it would be a keeper.
You texted Harry, "Well if you can say it over a voicemail I can say it over a text. I love you too Harry <3 xx"
Louis- "Babe can you grab me the cookies!" You hear Louis yell from the other room.
You smiled to yourself and went to the cupboard to grab the Oreos along with the milk. You poured the milk into two cups and grabbed the box of cookies.
You were struggling to carry everything due to what seems to be a inability to walk.
"Louis can you help please!"
You walk and see him on the couch completely engulfed in whatever he was watching.
"Lou-!" You felt your feet slip from underneath your and you fell to the ground milk, cookies and all.
You hear Louis get up and run over to you.
"You idiot! Are you okay?" He ask laughing hysterically.
You couldn't help but laugh. You were completely soaked and sitting in cookie crumbles.
Suddenly your felt a pair of band on your face as Louis kissed you.
Once he pulled away you just smiled at him.
"& what was that for?" You asked smirking.
"Cause I just realized that I am truly in love with a beautiful idiot."
Niall- You walked in to the classroom feeling so excited to tell him about how your parents got you a new car for your 16th birthday when you noticed he seemed a little bit off.
"Hey, what's wrong?" You asked sitting down next to him.
"Nothing, just thinking..." He replied kinda out if it.
"Oh, okay.... Well my mom bought me a car so now we can drive around together before you audition for the X-Factor!"
"That's awesome y/n!" He said with a small smile.
You were about to ask him another question but the teachers told you to get out a notebook for your next lesson.
She turned on the movie and told you guys it would last all period.
You looked over at Niall and you knew something was wrong with him and you had to figure out.
Since you guys sat at tables it wasnt hard to pass notes at all.
'Okay dude, tell me what's wrong.'
'Promise you won't laugh?'
You stuck out your pinky and held it with his. You passed the note back to him.
'Okay, well I'm in love with this girl, but I'm afraid to tell her...'
As you read the note you feel your cheeks begin to burn. You never told anyone but you were in love with Niall and have been for the past 4 years.
'Well just go for it and tell her, any girl would be beyond lucky to have you as a boyfriend.'
'Im nervous, she's the most beautiful thing in this Earth.'
'Just grab her by her hands, look her straight in the eyes, & tell her you lie her.'
You saw his leg shaking nervously under the table as her read the note. The next thing you know your hands are in his and the light for the movie is shining on his face.
"Y/n I love you."
"I-I love you too."
You heard clapping behind you and turned to see the the tables all around you were watching and listening to you guys the entire time.
"You guys are so cute!"
"That was adorable!"
"Way more interesting that this dumb movie." You heard people calling out.
You couldn't help but laugh and move closer to Niall.
Liam- "Is that the Big Dipper?"
"No, I believe that's just a cluster of stars."
"Is that the North Star."
"Honey you're pointing to the East."
He heard Liam laugh as he pulled you in closer to his side. You were out on the hood of your car stargazing in the country.
"This is beautiful."
"Maybe as beautiful as...."
You felt yourself begin to blush.
"..me." He says bursting to hysterics.
"Liam!" You say angrily pushing him.
"I'm just joking, you know that you are the most beautiful thing ever created." You says kissing you lightly on the top of your head.
"I love you y/n, and I know that you're the only girl for me."
He begin to blush and you hope he doesn't see it in the moonlight.
"I love you too Liam." You say shyly.
He pulls you closer with no signs of letting go.
"You're so cute when you blush." He chuckled softly.
Zayn- "No put more purple there!" You instructed Zayn while laughing. You guys were randomly doodling and somehow it turned into this massive abstract painting leaving you guys sprawled out on the floor.
"There!" You say point your hand to the under right corner.
"Oh there." He whips the paintbrush out and begins to paint on your hand.
"Zayn!" You squeal, grabbing your and doing the same to him.
Soon you guys were in an all paint war. Paint was flying everywhere and by the end of it you both looked like walking rainbows. You couldn't help but giggle and the sight. When he saw you laugh he couldn't help but begin to fall into a massive fit a laughter. You bother laughed uncontrollably for what seemed like the longest time.
"Y/N, I have something to say."
He say still smiling.
"What is it babe?"
"I-Im in love with you."
You felt yourself begin to blush and you pulled him in for a hug.
"I love you too."

One Direction Preferences
FanficJust another girl who writes One Direction Preferences. Leave requests if you have any and follow my Instagram account @_lifewithonedirection_ :)