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-Domus Flau-

The hell is wrong with this arena?! It's legit a giant jungle and snow just threw up on it. There are no clouds but it was still snowing all over the tops.

'It seems like the game-makers had a some cold thoughts when they made this arena,' Capti joked. 'But let's see what these mages have in store for each other today. They might be deep within the jungles but you can catch all the action in crystal clear lacrima vision!'

"This is Gray's territory," I smirked. "The other guys won't know what hit them."

Erza smiled her agreement but said nothing more. I'll bet that she's more focused on watching Lucy's new teammate. I should be, too; just in case I'm stuck battling him in the near future or any of the other Dragon Rider people.

Gray had already found five of the white pearls in just his general proximity within three minutes. I glanced over to the screen where Bain was.

"One, two..." the mage was in the trees, looking for pearls. "What comes after two... it's a white pearl..."

"This guy can't be serious," I heard the other girl of the Dragon Rider growl.

He suddenly turned towards the lacrima camera his blue eyes widened with confusion, "How much are white pearls again guys?"

The whole stadium started laughing. I smiled myself, this guy isn't as strong as I thought he'd be. He's just a clown who can't even remember the simple point structure of this thing. Well, in all honestly, I wouldn't either but I'm better than this idiot.

"If he wins this one," the boy with the jaded eyes mumbled under his breath. "I'll make sure he loses something else."

Bain jumped out of the tree, tucking his three pearls in the pouch each of the players got before being transported into the weird snowy arena. He walked on for a bit longer, and got himself lost in no time at all.

I lost interest in the mage almost immediately. I turned my attention to the different screens. Sherria just took out Eve and his five white pearls with it. Rocker tried to engage in a fight with Mira but she easily knocked the poor guy out with a simply knuckle sandwich to the face.

"Yukino," Gray's voice suddenly sounded through the lacrima speakers. "Long time no see."

"Yes," the Celestial Mage nodded. "You have been well I see. Even after losing one of your own."

So my theory was right... Sabertooth's mad because we kicked Lucy out.

The ice-maker mage's eyes narrowed, "That's low."

"I'm sorry," no she isn't. "But I don't see anything lower than hypocrites who make it such a big deal about keeping their comrades close by when they go ahead and kick out a comrade because he or she isn't strong enough."

That's not true! We kicked her out of the team! Not Fairy Tail...

"For that," Yukino reached into her pouch. "I'll make sure you pay."

Gray jumped back a step, clearly not expecting a fight from such a calm person. But in her defense, Lucy was a close friend of hers so she thinks she's defending Lucy's honor by taking on Gray. He got into a stance, ready to defend himself for any of her sudden spirit attacks.

The crowd completely went crazy.

"It's alright, sweetheart!" a voice coming from one of the trees suddenly called. 

Within seconds, Bain dropped from one of the branches; landing right between the two facing off mages looking in Gray's direction. An annoying smirk slowly spreading on his lips.

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