Burnt Memories

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Itall started with the fire,

theflames burning away the memory.

Ifit's what she will so desire,

thenno power is unto me.

Manyyears have now passed by,

Ireturn to this dreadful place.

Everythinghas changed to the eye,

nofamiliar track or trace.

Yetthe scenery is all the same,

memoriesflood my mind.

Wildwill once again be tame,

presentand past combined.

Legendsspeak of a power,

ademonic angel in flight.

Thesparks and ash begin to shower,

aburning god will right.

Thewrongs brought unto this land,

thefatalities of this war.

Nomortal can win by hand,

orso is said by others more.

Theysay it was the fire,

Isay it was their souls that ignite.

Manywould come to inquire,

butthe unanswered ponderings pile in might.

Itall started with the fire,

thetruth never to be known.

Itis what she did desire,

myidentity never to be shown.

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