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[Ron's POV]

I landed with a thud on the cold and hard floor.

I groaned. Where the fuck am I anyway?

I looked around and noticed that the place has a resemblance to a colosseum and is filled with green light.

That's weird. No one will ever be in their right minds when they decide to build a huge basement under a rickety, old house, fill it with green light and abandon it.

As soon as I stood up, I felt a great pain in my legs and collapsed.

I screamed in agony. What the hell was that?!

I examined my legs for any injuries.

It took all of my willpower to prevent myself from crying or throw up.

My right leg was twisted in a weird angle and it's full of bruises.

That's odd. I don't remember burning my leg.


I turned around, hurting my limb in the process.

I winced. Shit.

"Psst! Ron! Ronald Myers! Hey!"

I looked around wildly for the source and found a boy sitting on the floor.

I narrowed my eyes. "Who are you and how did you know my name?"

"Dude, seriously. I'm your best friend-slash- partner in crime yet you don't know me?" He said incredously.

I thought for a moment. "Jerome?" I guessed.

"Duh, bitch."

"How did you get here?"

Jerome shrugged. "I touched that green light on the wall and blacked out. I just woke up."


I tried to stand up and go to him but, thanks to my leg, I can't. Shit.

"Hey bro, a little help here." I called.

He simply shook his head and showed me his hands tied together with a cable wire.

"I can't and I need help too." Jerome stated in a duh-isn't-it-obvious tone.

I scowled. "Are your legs tied?"

"Uh... No."

I face-palmed. "Then get your ass over here and try helping me, damnit!"

He trudged over, sat next to me and looked at my leg.

Jerome whistled. "That's one heck of an injury, dude. How did you get it?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea exactly."


We sat there in the silence and I suddenly remembered something.

Something really important.

"Hey, do you happen to have 20 dollars there with you?"

"Uh... Why?" He asked, confused.

I considered for a moment. "I have bad news. Two of them."

"Ok. Fire away."

"Dude..." I paused for effect. "Leslie, Maddie, and Chesley won the bet."

He paled. "W-what?! B-b-but that's not possible! Those bitches must've paid Thomas to confess to Natalie!" Jerome cried.

I flinched at the mention of our deceased friend.

"And there is one more thing."

"Hmm? What?"

"Thomas. He is dead."

His face etched with pure shock. "That's not possible! It can't be!"

"It's true, bro. The others saw his corpse." I mumbled.

Jerome shook his head. "Surely you must be joking. Thomas... He... No. He can't be. Tell me you are just joking." He begged me, desperate.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I asked.

He scanned my face and expected me to burst out laughing. I'm sorry, bro. I also know what you are feeling right this moment.

"He's dead?" Jerome muttered while running his hand through his hair.

"Yes. And one of you is next." A familiar voice jeered.

I turned my head around.

"Hey... You're that asshole that keeps barging in our classroom and scaring the hell out of Leslie and Chesley." Jerome stated and thought for a while. "Hmm... Nico, right?"

Oh. Right. I remember. But there is something wrong here...

Nico laughed and it creeped me out.

"Why do people these days see me as 'Nico'?" Nico asked to himself, amused.

I noticed that his voice is weird. It sounds like a heck lot of people were talking in the same time.

"If you aren't Nico, then who are you?" I asked.

"I'm $%&#&% and I'm here to seal your doom." 'Nico' said.

"$%&#&%? What kind of a name is that? Is your mom a retard or something?" I spat out which earned a chuckle from Jerome.

It growled. "Imbeciles! As much as I want to kill you right now, I'm restrained by my master but beware of The Gladiator. He is coming." It declared and disappeared in a pillar of flames.

After he vanished, Jerome turned to me and asked. "What the hell is a gladiator?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Probably someone similar to a clown. You know, glad-iator. It's supposed to make us happy or something." I guessed.

"So the loser made us sit here and wait for a clown? How nice." Jerome retorted sarcastically.

I snickered. But something in my mind tells me that something far worse will happen and that clown is the cause of it.


[Third Person's POV]

Jerome doesn't know what's worse:

1.) Losing 60 bucks to those motherfucking losers namely Leslie, Maddie and Chesley;

2.) Hearing from Ron that his best friend, Thomas, is dead;

3.) Seeing Ron's pretzel-like legs;

4.) Sitting here, doing nothing while waiting for a clown to show up;

Or 5.) Being tied up like that lady in 50 Shades of Grey.

Jerome's suddenly had a lightbulb moment.

"Hey, Ron, let's play 'I spy'."

Ron grunted. "Anything to relieve my boredom."


{A few minutes later}

"I spy something small and hard."

"Your dick." Ron muttered under his breath.

"What did you say???!"

Ron rolled his eyes. "A rock."

Jerome looked shocked. "Dang! You're getting good at this!" He whistled.

"Don't be stupid, Jerome. You've been staring at that rock a few times now." Ron stated.

"Oh? Okay. Your turn."

Ron looked around with caution, so he won't be stricken with pain, for anything except a rock.

He spotted something from afar and Ron's eyes widened.

"Uh... Jerome? I s-spy something white, pretty and it's coming to us." He gulped not removing his eyes off the walking figure.

"Huh? What is it?" He asked and looked at the same thing Ron is looking at.

Jerome's facial expression is close too Ron's. Shock and suprise.


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