Chapter Three

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"Where's Melody at?" I ask the twins, finally safe inside their house. They freeze for a second then glance at Thomas then me. A knot forms in my stomach, it increases slowly as the twins start looking anywhere but our eyes. They both look as exhausted as the rest of us, their red ginger hair seems to have reached an untameable level, and they too have gone down a size or two in clothing. Their already tiny bodies looking smaller. Although exhausted they seem to be ready to face anything, an almost deadly aura around them.

"Answer her!" Charlie nearly shouts from next to me, looking more nervous than ever. I glance over at her and mentally add that to my growing list of suspicions. Josiah shifts nervously under our gazes, his blue eyes flicking between everyone, his identical twin just stares at the ground with a hard look on her face.

"She's gone... we had to do it." Ellie grounds out, her face growing colder and harder by the second. Josiah stares at her, wide eyes swimming with guilt. "She gave us no choice. She saved us and we repaid her by killing her." Her eyes meet mine and under her cold determination, her eyes swim with a sadness that I feel myself every day.

"I understand. You did your best, it's a hard situation." I go over and give them a hug wrapping my arms around them. I hope that they don't drive themselves mad over this guilt, like I have. I feel Thomas' eyes drilling holes in my back. "If you have something you need to say Thomas, say it now." I turn and almost glare at him, egging him on to say to them the same words he said to me. He looks away and clenches his fists and jaw.

"Right then, now that that's over and done with. Let's gather some supplies and load the truck up before dark. We'll stay here and roll out in the morning." Charlie grins, its slightly crazed looking, like shit's going to go down if she does not get her way. Ellie and Josiah look at me, almost as if to ask my permission, I give them as much of a reassuring smile as I can manage. I glance over at Thomas, he's looking at Ellie and Josiah with so much worry and concern it almost breaks my heart. I turn away from the four people my life now revolves around and enter the house.

As Ellie, Josiah and Thomas pack the stuff we may need, Charlie and I scope out the front of the house. I look out the window beside the door scanning the area for signs of anyone or anything. No movement, it's as safe as it's going to be.

"Okay, Ellie you open and close the boot while Tommy and Josiah put the stuff in it, I will start the car and be ready while Lissa covers us all. Agreed?" Charlie asks as we gather around the door, we all nod. If not in acceptance, in fear of Crazy Charlie who has yet to make an appearance today but the day is still young.

Charlie pulls open the door and we all sprint to the car, each of us focusing on our jobs. I see a movement out of the corner of my eye, take the safety off my gun and aim. Nothing bursts out from behind any fences or doors or bushes. The world seems almost in frozen in time. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up on end, then all hell breaks loose.

A bullet whizzes at us, we all instinctively duck. I grab Thomas by the scruff of the neck and shove him towards the boot before yelling at the twins to get the fuck in, then slam it shut. I move just in time around the other side of the car to avoid the second bullet. I see where that one came from. The house directly across the road has three people standing on the roof. Even though each hold a gun, only one fires at my friends and I.

"Shit! Why the fuck are they shooting at us?" I ask, swinging into the car. Without waiting completely Charlie slams her foot down on the accelerator and speeds away.

"Like any of us fucking know!!" Josiah yells, freaking out. Ellie puts a hand on his shoulder and he nods in her direction. We drive for ten minutes before we stop in the middle of the road. Around us are a few shops mixed in with the houses. This is not a good place to stop, we are nearing the centre of town.

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