ch.3 Just talking

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AUTHOR: I hope you like it ps:the first chapters will be moving a bit slow so be patient

Ginny lay on her bed and think of what happen just some hours ago the most weird was that when she enter her room an owl that she wasn't hers or Harry's was waiting for her.She pet the cute animal and smile a bit *lets see who had send us a message* she thought and open the letter.

                                                   "Meet me at the midnight  at potion class"


Ginny roll her eyes and sigh *do i really have to go?* she thought  but something inside her was desperately want to see him,talk to him *maybe he is right maybe this is a spell or how else i am felling nervous  right now and why i cant stop think the way he looked at me back at the tower?*.Ginny toked a breath "i need to relax first i have to go to eat dinner and then i will go to see what Malfoy wants" she said to her self as she was looking the small owl.

Ginny walk to great hall like nothing had happen and start eating slowly,Luna come and sit next to her and frown a  bit "did you fight with Malfoy Gin?"  Luna asked softly  and smile but Ginny shakes her head and keep eating "cause he is looking at you from the time you enter the room" Luna add and looked her friend once more that she widen her eyes and gash "he do what?!" Ginny said almost loud  enough that made almost everyone to turn and looked at her.Ginny cough a bit shy and smile to Luna "maybe he think his next evil plan" she turn back to her food and Luna nood a bit and eat to.When Luna finish her food some minutes after she turn to Ginny "when you finish lets go to my room and chat until sleep time" said Luna and smile,Ginny shake head "sorry Lun i need to read for a test plush  i fell like i will eat some more" Luna smile and kiss her cheek "ok then see ya tomorrow" .

As Luna gone Ginny moved her head up and looked around the great hall,there where only four or five more kids in it .Then she turned and looked at the Slytherins table but Malfoy wasn't there *maybe it is time for me to go to the room* she thought and and walk out the great hall to the room.Before she enter the room she toked a breath and knock the door but she didn't got a reply.Ginny enter the room and looked around "hello?are you here?".A heavy shadow moved toward her "i know you fell it when i am around or not so stop asking stupid questions Weasly" Draco said with arrogant tone and Ginny gasp "doesn't your  father teach you not to scared people?" she turn and looked him "we are not here to talk about what my father teach me or not we are here cause i want to ask you things but Potter felt like cut out little chat we had.So tell me how i broke the spell or else i will make you fell things that you pray me to stop" he sound mad and looked Ginny with a cold stare.Ginny roll eyes an sigh "i didn't do anything Malfoy,don't you find it weird that i fell things too.If you where under any spell i wouldn't fell anything or let me guess i spell my self too" she narrow her eyes a bit,Draco shake head, walked to a table across her and sit on it "then what you think we should do?" he looked her with narrow eyes "i guess we ask a professor" Draco stand up fast and looked her way more mad "had you lost your mind or something?".Ginny push him a bit away "then let's......let's....."she thought a bit "let's do what Weasly i don't have  time to waste" she roll eyes "let's meet everyday and try to solve it alone,you are perfect so you can ask from professor Snape for a class to practice a potion or something".Draco nod "yes i can do that,i will sent you an owl tomorrow with a map for the place" he said and walked to the door but he turned back to Ginny and touch her cheek with love and looked  her eyes,he space out a bit and felt like their body's where moving without thinking of it .Ginny felt lost looking his grey/blue eyes and smile  shy at him.It felt so wrong yet so right,Draco move his head a bit more close  and stroke fondly her cheek,she smile and close her eyes.Draco was about to kiss her when a window closed and made a loud sound making both to apart he shake his head a bit"so see ya tomorrow"  he walked out the room living Ginny alone wondering what just happen.After some long minutes she carefully moved  back to her room,a new day was waiting  tomorrow.

Author: here it is....i hope you like it ;) until next itme

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